Explain yourselves, monsters

Explain yourselves, monsters

Other urls found in this thread:


>pushed boundaries
>sampled actual good music and turned it into garbage

pick one

he was against zionist pigs so in my book he's a good lad

All of those things make the fact that he was glorifying drug use even worse.

>black woman grossly oversimplifies something on twitter to force an sjw agenda
Great post

He despised the eternal juden so he's /ourguy/
Fuck off with this weak ass bait. RIP Lil Bo Peep

since when did lil peep make beats lol

wait what?

Why did she leave out that little part about him hating jews?

Source on his anti-semitism? Gonna go buy his entire discography rn if true

>lil peeps death not being a matter of ridicule is now sjw agenda
really made my thinker tinker

I think people are mistaking him for pewdiepie, or this is a new meme I'm being left out of

this is why I respect him and prefer to not listen to his music

Lil peep's death is a serious matter. As in, it's seriously a good thing he died from drugs because who knows how many people would have otherwise gone down the same road he did if that hadn't of happened.
Honestly, if there is any sort of an afterlife I can imagine peep's soul, pure and sober, would agree with me.

anudda shoah

>Name was Gustav Åhr
>Gustav /ˈɡʊstɑːv/, also spelled Gustaf, is a male given name of likely Old Swedish origin
>Last name was so uncucked it still has a Swedish character
>Pure Aryan, names the Jew
>Explicitly talks about preferring white women in his songs
>Most popular music video centers around an Aryan girl (pic related)

Lmao that was posted on here.

Oh Gawd you can't say that! Very problematic for my people.

Well, let's not go Sup Forums-tier, but this is basically saying that he recited the politically-correct opinions that would be expected of someone in his social circles. Okay. So what? Most people do that. It would only be notable if he took some kind of stand that went against the "grain" of his own community, like calling for tough-on-crime measures to reduce murder rates in urban areas or something.

>lil peep fan
>black woman

Don't matta if you're left or right wing. You can't say this, neva forget da horrors of the shoah and tha 6 million (sad)

>listening to lil peep unironically

this but unironically

>promoted degeneracy

doesnt matter what you talk about if your music is trash

>suddenly i give 5 stars to all his album in RYM

Nigga was a victim of Weimar America

Peep was already changing the rap game t bh

He was shit tier """artist""", making the most dumbed down version of an already terrible genre. Rap is better off with him dead.

defend yourself because you and everyone who thinks like you is a total bitch pleb.


Just listen soundcloud.com/lil_peep/save-that-shit

>voice has a totally annoying quality to it
>lyrics are literally a chorus and some whiny four line "bridges"
>literally the whiniest, most repetitive, most pussy lyrics imaginable
>the only redeeming quality is the blue note he hits at the end of his phrases
>steals title from a far superior Chief Keef song

like I said, explain yourself, if that's possible
also, this song came on next in the soundcloud queue and it's literally a million times better and given way less recognition soundcloud.com/s-xbeats/plans
not saying this is why the dude deserved to die, not saying that at all, just saying his music sucked

So is everyone in this thread, don't see me promoting degeneracy.

people really have low standards if they consider Lil Peep as boundary pushing god damn

r u perhaps... a Zionist?

this thread is proof that people who start their threads with twitter screencaps should be culled.

>against zionists.
Most leftists are. The dude was a commie though (look up his uncle), which is far worse to me.