Is he the Curt Cobain of our time?

Is he the Curt Cobain of our time?

Other urls found in this thread:

no he's the Nick Drake of our time

>pink moon
>pink clothes

The Sid Vicious of our time.

Fuck you, Nick Drake was pure.

his nail job is better than my gfs

No more like dead jaja see u

This troll thread makes me feel old as fuck. Kurt Cobain was the "curt cobain" of my time.

>Sid Vicious
did the jews kill sid too?

No. Sid and Gustav were both 21 year old degenerate drug addicts with no talent. Most of their followings came to substance out of admiration for their aesthetic & angsty personalities.

nirvana is boring music

Kurt Cobain was a good songwriter

What isn't boring music?

thats easy
EAI, of course!

Elliott Smith of our time.

He looks pretty stupid. Do you know what software he used to make his music in?

You spelled Kirk wrong

>nam sayin'
Lmao, he's literally like that guy in trailer park boys. No but this is just awkward to me. I can't relate to those effeminate twinks.

I don't care about casual drug use. But these idiots are glorifying drugs in such an awkward way.

It would be more accurate to say that Kurt was the Lil Peep of his time.

More like Ian Curtis

So much of this tape is Peep coming up different with ways to rhyme "pain", "cocaine", and "Cobain"
That being said, Lil Peep > Kirk Cobain

This is pretty normie OP

He’s the per yngve ohlin.


ooo boy

ian curtis of our time