Were DEVO alt right?

Were DEVO alt right?

They made songs about degeneracy/de-evolution, making fun of retards, making fun of women, the cia, ufo conspiracies, a song called "triumph of the will", and being virgins.

no they were just absolute madlads

>making fun of retards

the CIA is based and white only pinks hate the CIA

if mongoloid came out today p4k would probably throw a fit

triumph of the will is pretty anti-fascist, it's comparing nazis to rapists
and the misogyny was done for shock value, at least in the hardcore days
and you could pretty easily make the argument that mongoloid isn't literally about making fun of retards
but jerry makes fun of trannies and believes in chemtrails so you might be on to something really

Okay, that still doesn't mean they were making fun of retards. Quite the contrary.

Jerry is fairly liberal, but not entirely. He doesn't like political correctness.

You can't get away with calling retards a Mongoloid today, not at all.

It isn't really specifically making fun of retards. It's making fun of society for becoming so stupid. The joke is an actual retard can fit in without being noticed because society has become so stupid.

degenerates in devo's eyes are boneheaded chads

They made fun of Chads constantly. Mongoloid, if you actually read the fucking lyrics, is about a guy to does all the normal things in life, but nobody can tell he's retarded because the normal pursuits in life are pretty linear in scope.

You gotta be baiting or the stupidist fuck in Sup Forums

good meme

Mongoloid didn't make fun of tards dumbass. He may have been a mongoloid, but he did normal things, so no one cared because he functioned in society.

Also, reminder that they supported Obama, and wrote a song about police brutality called "Don't Shoot, I'm a Man"

they were just being edgy

>Also, reminder that they supported Obama
Jerry regrets supporting Obama

>and the misogyny was done for shock value, at least in the hardcore days
and to mock the misogyny of cock rock bands

You didn't list a single alt right thing.


>making fun of retards
Then they certainly were anti-alt-right

>a song called "triumph of the will"
Were Pink Floyd pork farmers? They had a song called "Pigs"

>you will never got to a show where Devo, The B-52's and Talking Heads are in their prime and playing at the same show

I saw Devo like 7 years ago or so in Wisconsin, they were pretty great


a lot of new wave stuff dealt with this sorta thing. in most cases (including this one) it's irony. similar examples can be found in Oingo Boingo and Wall of Voodoo