Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Stop comparing nixon to trump nixon was a career politician and part of a corrupt establishment that the modern DNC could only hope to dream of

how old are you?

Who was in the wrong here?

Nixon would have been a better President by far.

>both of them say "death to america" in unison

SHAME he wasn't.

back when people actually treated each other with dignity and respect

This is all Frank Sinatra's fault.

they actually agreed with most issues and had a gentlemanly discourse


>I agree with nearly everything he said
>At risk of agreeing with you...

>It's a Democrats conveniently forget JFK's mythical missile gap episode

Every true liberal will acknowledge that the best thing Kennedy ever did for the left was get shot in the head

Oswald killing him gave Dems the energy and fervor to pass sweeping legislation with LBJ

That man never drank a Duff in his life

Missile gap?

>it's a JFK is the only likeable president ever assassination

Nixon is a gifted foreign policy guy who happens to be corrupt

JFK is a charismatic guy that stepped away from elite agenda and was killed for it.

The funny thing is that JFK won only because his father's connection with Chicago's mafia.
They rigged the election in Illinois and gave him the presidency.


JFK was killed by a deranged communist.

Richard Nixon was perhaps the greatest (as in most skilled not like nicest guy) statesman in American history.

This guy gets it.

The kind of machiavellian shit that old school republicans got away with boggles my fucking mind.

J edgar hoover directingthe FBI. Nixon in the white house.

It's not like today where we can photograph and document and upload everything we see the government do.

Back then, the deck was stacked in their favour. They could just make people fucking disappear or recant testimony, or take payoffs. Whatever.

Cover ups are harder today.

>implying anybody else could have solved that crisis
Read up on JFK's relationship with his generals

>Nixon:Well, I would suggest, Mr. Vanocur, that uh - if you know the President, that was probably a facetious remark. Uh - I would also suggest that insofar as his statement is concerned, that I think it would be improper for the President of the United States to disclose uh - the instances in which members of his official family had made recommendations, as I have made them through the years to him, which he has accepted or rejected. The President has always maintained and very properly so that he is entitled to get what advice he wants from his cabinet and from his other advisers without disclosing that to anybody - including as a matter of fact the Congress. Now, I can only say this. Through the years I have sat in the National Security Council. I have been in the cabinet. I have met with the legislative leaders. I have met with the President when he made the great decisions with regard to Lebanon, Quemoy and Matsu, other matters. The President has asked for my advice. I have given it. Sometimes my advice has been taken. Sometimes it has not. I do not say that I have made the decisions. And I would say that no president should ever allow anybody else to make the major decisions, The president only makes the decisions. All that his advisers do is to give counsel when he asks for it. As far as what experience counts and whether that is experience that counts, that isn't for me to say. Uh - I can only say that my experience is there for the people to consider; Senator Kennedy's is there for the people to consider. As he pointed out, we came to the Congress in the same year. His experience has been different from mine. Mine has been in the executive branch. His has been in the legislative branch. I would say that the people now have the opportunity to evaluate his as against mine and I think both he and I are going to abide by whatever the people decide.

>killing Kenedy


>Trump:So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is -- it is a huge problem. I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable.
But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them.

Neither. Both of them were right.
One was the right one for the right time. Had the other had been wrong then he would of had the wrong time. In the end we had the right man in the wrong place. As well as the wrong man in the right place. It all worked out.

I love this kennedy meme

>implying anyone else would have that crisis

it's his fault for deliberately fucking up the bay of pigs and then acting like a bitch in his first meeting with Khrushchev, so the Soviet leader had literally zero respect for him.

Nixon was already on (relatively) good terms with Khrushchev (from the Kitchen Debate) and sure as hell would have pulled the trigger on Cuba.

Its crazy. I've watched this debate maybe over 10 times now after watching the debates we had of Trump VS Hillary. Where did everything go so wrong? How do we go from a debate as interesting and classic not to mention historic to the debates we had this year?

Was it just a diffrent time? Have times changed to much? Have we as Americans changed too much? What would kennedy and Nixon think of the political situation today?

He was misinformed by his generals about the bay of pigs' success rate. If anything that triggered his disdain and wariness of his generals

>pulling the trigger on Cuba
>A good idea
I am not okay with living in a nuclear wasteland

A statesmen doesn't get impeached. If you wanted a gifted statesman. See Augustus.

That picture really is a piece of accidental art, if I had the money I'd put it in a gallery.

In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve

I disagree. I think Nixon wouldn't of been the right one to deal with the missile crisis. I'm glad kennedy did win at that time. Though I'm also glad nixon did become president afterwards because he was very gifted as a politician when it came to foreign policy which was something America needed at the time.

read up on the concept of elite overproduction, and you'll have your answer.

summary is that, as the income disparity increases, you get more rich people getting law degrees and wanting to go into politics. end result is a larger political class. end result is, more elites lose their races, so they grow increasing bitter and angry and throw more money. As a result it becomes an obsessive battle of winners and losers.

The sides spread about, throw hate at each other, and everything turns to shit for the average person

Bay of Pigs was before Russian missiles in Cuba. Nothing bad would have happened.

Second, his generals were the ones who told them it would have worked, and it would have, except Kennedy refused to commit US marines that were ready to land. He let all of those Cubans die. My grandfather was a sailor on one of the ships assigned there that night, and he hated Kennedy ever since.

Half measures get people killed, this user isn't wrong, just look at vietnam

so a bunch of shitty rent seekers don't understand the virtuous circle.

Nixon wouldn't have had the missile crisis. He also (probably) wouldn't have been assassinated, would have passed the Republican Civil Rights Act and the turmoil of the late 60's may never have happened. We definitely would have not gone to the moon though. Nixon (although he ironically presided over those missions) believed that our target in space should be a permanent station, so there are some things that Kennedy did better.

>Nothing bad would have happened
>invading a Russian ally with actual US troops and nothing bad would happen
Yea, I am with JFK on this. Actual US troops would be a declaration of war and would escalate the doomsday situation

It was all down hill after this debate.

Who was in the wrong here?

There were multiple "cuban missile crisis" level events every year of the cold war. Kennedy was a moron for telling anyone.

>I read Ulysses ten times how come Harry Potter isn't as good, literature truly is dead and we should just kill ourselves because life sucks

>the turmoil of the late 60's may never have happened.
That was going to happen regardless of President
George Wallace would have still been standing in that doorway

>the virtuous circle.
That is an invention of rich parasites to fool those that they exploit into believing that they're not parasites.

You don't 'generate wealth'. Wealth is a percentage share of social power in a culture.

You can never have more than 100% split between the population. And every time one person gains a percentage point, another person loses the same.

Kennedy didnt win that time, a russian mook won that denied direct orders to fire

Funny how history in America just seems to work.

Like when George HW Bush ended America's war losing streak with the gulf war to prevent Saddam from making an invasion yet uplifting the American spirit but then the economy started to have problems and Bill clinton came into the picture and said "I know how we can fix this". The American people were done with war after winning after we lost so bad in Vietnam. Then Clinton fixed it then We had Bush Jr who basiclly wanted to finish the job that his father didn't do which was interesting to see his father had the foresight and wisdom to see the consequences of what invading Iraq would of caused.

Ok that's probably true, but it never would have gotten as bad. The thing is, it becomes so hard to guess at what would happen. There would be no Goldwater, so probably no New Conservative movement, perhaps no Reagan. Would the summer of 69 have occurred? Would the Democrats double down on the South? How would Nixon handle Vietnam?

It's certainly interesting.

He did by brokering a deal with Moscow despite his generals begging him to use nukes

I meant summer of 68 for the record, have that song stuck in my head somewhere apparently.



always Wilson


The ugly one is always wrong.


fact: Nixon was the greatest president of the 20th century
fact: FDR was the worst president of the 20th century
fact: Wilson was the second worst president of the 20th century

Social media empowers them to humiliate the "good guys" as well, though.

In the future it's highly possible NSA/GCHQ will leak unsavoury parts of candidate's internet history.

What did Snyder mean by this?

>Based Teddy delivers a speech after getting shot
>Country still doesn't give him another go, just because he's in a Third Party now
It's not fair.

I need to find that youtube video with one of the heads of the CIA explaining why removing Saddam was a mistake with the Kurds and the Iranians making moves into Iraq

He was a shit president, "manly" memes aside, he fucked over the presidings in the Russo-Japanese war and left both sides unhappy and gave the Japs a simmering resentment for us.

I just fucking watched Nixon/Frost, get the fuck out of my head Sup Forums

I'm not sure if it's fair saying it's Teddy's fault that the Japanese resented the US.
The US was already the main country to blame for them being involved in world politics they never wanted to be part of, the entire Shogunate collapsing and the civil war/massive economical collapse that surrounded that.

What the fuck was HIS problem with tricky Dick?

>America's war losing streak
things that don't exist

Why are the best political debates during shitposting aussie power hour?

really makes you think

Social media.

Why the fuck did people think Kennedy was handsome? The dude looks bizarre.

What was Bentsen's fucking problem?

he's handsome faggot.

If Teddy couldnt break the two party system then what hope does anyone else have.

He's handsome for a politician.

Why can't we have candidates like that today? They were both heavyweights in their own right.

Im not an American.

I dont understand this meme.

Pls, explain me.

The man never drank a duff in his life

Lol you've lost nearly every major conflict you've participated in as a sole combatant

This right here