What does Sup Forums think of this show

What does Sup Forums think of this show.
Are the ghosts real?

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Never seen it but from that image I can deduce that it is an utter crock of shit and that no, the ghosts are not real.


its a good show to watch with your gf, but dont take everything seriously

It is to a degree. They go overboard with it

It's quite entertaining tbh.

She hates it, she thinks it's too creepy.

Yeah, they do overreact a lot. But sometimes it looks so real though.

>The alleged mediumistic abilities of the individuals featured in this program have not been subjected to controlled scientific investigations. In addition, some scientists have suggested that anecdotal evidence in support of such abilities could be due to several psychological techniques, such as use of general statements and feedback from people’s verbal and non-verbal behaviour.

it's a nice comedy show

7/10 on most episodes
10/10 on a few

K Sherlock.

I do laugh a lot while watching it.

More like 6/10 and 8/10.

>During the interview on the Are We Alone show hosted by Joshua Sweeney, Goodwin went on about an eight minute rant about how the Travel Channel took everything that was authentic about the show and made a mockery of it by making the crew record its own voices in place of actual EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena).

>During the two-hour podcast, Goodwin dished out the disappointing facts. It did not stop with the Travel Channel making them record their own EVP’s but he says they actually made them go back and film reactions of the crew so that they would act surprised when hearing things that did not actually occur.

>“If we film all night long and came back with uneventful material, they actually make us go back, and act out scenes. It’s sickening really,” said an angry Goodwin. “This started off as a real thing, it is just not consistent and active enough for the big-shots at the network, so they basically have turned us into liars. We have been committing a fraud in my eyes and I’ve just about had enough.”

this made me laugh so hard. i've watched this show and you're 100% on point. these dudes are full of shit

that's the disclaimer at the beginning of the show, pleb

Fuck the middle guy's face doesn't play by the rules of biology.

No shit faggot.

Haha I read about that !

Idk sometimes it looks real.

im not saying it's not entertaining. but they're obviously manufacturing the "paranormal activity" for ratings.

>sometimes it looks real

What, when you're wearing your "IQ of 3" glasses?

>enter dark room
>turn on night vision
>film dust particles
>say there's a cold breeze
>jump and yelp
>play back a tape and say that the background noise sounds like "go away"
>tremble and look concerned

Not seen this show but I'm going to go out on a limb and imagine that's how every episode plays out

Fuck off, Mike. Do another Plinkett review.

Your explanation was scarier than the show, 2spooky4me

a are you ps psychic? producer here, when can you come on the show?

Thanks faggot you spooked me now.

That's only what it is, entertaining.

It's complete bullshit, but fucking hilarious. The camera man (guy on the right in the back) was a big fatty first season, and scared as shit about all this stuff. So they always left him in a room alone with his little night vision camera and he's jumping at every little sound, looking into the camera, and saying shit like "What the fuck was that? This sucks."

The other two guys wander around trying to pick fights with non-existent ghost, like it makes you a badass to tell a figment of your imagination that you're going to kick its ass.

They take themselves way too seriously, so it's like watching movie stars acting like they have political opinions that anyone gives a shit about.

Yeah, I don't like the camera man