Me and my buddy are sentient beings sent by god from another plane of reality to learn and grow in this universe...

me and my buddy are sentient beings sent by god from another plane of reality to learn and grow in this universe. once we have learned everything we can, we will transform this world into a paradise where everyone will live a joyous life as they see fit. you may think this is satire or monumental hubris, but this is not meant to convince anyone- simply inform you. ask us anything

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Bitch lasagna

What's the deal with airline food?

Why do some idiots think the Earth is flat. It’s not, is it?

why use Sup Forums to advertise this

Trip dubs..This is my third encounter tonight..Which Horseman was that again?

Can I have a harem consisting of my top 6 favorite actresses?

such questions are a distraction from the real matters at hand.

Sup Forums is a popular site where our message may be heard, for amusement if nothing else. as said before, our goal is not to convince the world, but merely to educate those with ears to hear.

if they consent, of course.

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Why do people deny the obvious superiority of women?

how long do i need to be on nofap for the superpowers to kick in? like, the mind reading world bending shit bro. thanks in advance

Pick one

I meant
>women with feminine penises
See above

Superiority is a perceptional construct. Therefor the qualifications vary based on the needs of the individual.

no superpowers are forthcoming, in the sense that you will gain supernatural abilities.

Fuck off, trascendedniggers we're full!
Go crash in the Moon if you want

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Pick one fag

unfortunately, that is not a decision to be made by you or us. that is god's choice.

are traps gay

traps are gay, yes.

what if she has a feminine penis

you could ask anything about the nature of reality and you are wasting our time with this? once was cute- further queries of this nature will be ignored.

when will i get laid o' mighty beings (mm\dd\yy)

you will have that experience when you are ready for it, and not before. put your trust in god's timing.

what are the chances of getting dubs 2 times in a row

we are not mathematicians, and we never claimed omnipotence.

why does daddy hit mommy

Will I always be a loser

human free will creates evil. god will right all wrongs in the end.

you're not a loser, but you need to work on your self talk.

is my mom really gay?

What is the meaning of life why are we here?

One real question and op is a faggot.

>work on your self talk
what does that mean?

only god knows for sure. but i believe we're alive to share in the impossible miracle of creation, as difficult as it may be sometimes.

it means be kind to yourself.

With serial computing, given enough processing power, could consciousness be attained? What about with quantum computing?

Can you, like, ask God to stop being a dick by giving us tests we're obviously gonna fail and to just give us that paradise if he loves us so much?

it is possible, but may not ever be attained.

that is out of our hands, unfortunately.

How long do you expect your process to take before the transformation begins?

why has god abandoned us?

How do you propose to counter years of habituated violence and mental illness present in so much of the population? Can all people rise above the hell they've created for themselves here on Earth?

it is possible, but may not ever be attained.

- is this because the process you will implement will stop it before it matures?

we have no idea of knowing that. in a way, we are as helpless as anyone else at this point.

god NEVER stopped loving us and he knows our struggle. keep faith.

healing takes time. we have no solutions as of yet, but that is why we're not ready to rule.

the end result of our process may render such technology redundant.

The notion of "ruling" is rather primitive. If elevated, a population would not yield to a ruler nor require one. Hopefully you'll learn that before inspiring yet another mislead and bloody attempt at revolution. In a sense, what you state, were I to believe in a notion of "god", even without it, should really be the "mission" of all humans - though few can seem to see it. Are you saying you're not human?

we are sentient beings from another plane of reality. we are human in our current form. what we seek is not revolution but evolution, and applying what we've learned as benevolent guides to humanity.

>that is out of our hands, unfortunately.
Dang. Thanks anyway.

If you need help understanding things, I have a unique perspective that you will need to transcend to accomplish your goal. Feel free to contact me if you would like assistance. It shouldn't be an issue for you to determine who I am given the omniscient benefactor of your endeavor. Though given the nature of the medium, of course I'm wholly skeptical of your claims - your stated objective is, unless it backfires, seemingly wonderful. Good luck if I don't hear from you.

if you are what you claim to be, god will guide us to you in due time. again, we are not all-knowing and god does not share most of his plans with us.

Is Kek the one true religion?

kek is not a true god, but an idol.


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The evil doppleganger of Adam Warlock, Magus believes Good and Evil are tools to chain sentient beings. His goal is to give all lifeforms a purpose: To Worship him or Die.

You and your friend can come over and chill with me, I've got plenty of stories to tell, and we can space out and enjoy visions of what could have been my life. Maybe you can bring the gods back to my head for me.

there is only one god, but we would appreciate any greentext you have to offer. we're still gathering knowledge.

can you can show visions of what could have been if i raped my mom or sister?

Don't need to know outcome of the rape, i just want to watch the vision of the rape.

Tell him I wanna talk with him, we have stuff to catch up on. Here's a compilation of one of my favorite greentexts for your troubles.

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You should ask them friend, I'm just a simple man with a vivid imagination

>if they consent, of course.
What kind of "sentient being" are ya?

fuck off god-niggers, we're full.

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How much have you two learned so far? What are some of the more interesting and/or surprising highlights?

I will give you any answer you need.
Just get me a bigger dick and less speech impediments.

Is there an afterlife?

go back to your shithole realm

>sent by god

>implying something like a god could exist.
>invalidates the whole thread because "sentient beings" would know there's no god in any form.

You should have said you landed on our realm thanks to the morphogenetic field. You would have been a bit more credible. Go play zero escape, then come back with a SOLID scenario.

>if they consent, of course.
This. You fucking cuck! What kind of sentient being doesn't help us get laid. I thought we were cool man.

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Are soul mates real?

I think I have met my soulmate twice in this lifetime, however I was too young the first time and fucked it up too royally the sseconed. Now I am worried that the woman I married is not my soulmate, despite loving her greatly and having a wonderful and successful relationship.

So you feel things?

They wrote a song about it,
Wanna hear it?
Here it go

Feelings, nothing more than feelings,
Trying to forget my feelings of love.
Teardrops rolling down on my face,
Trying to forget my feelings of love.....

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What's the deal with airline food?

why haven't you killed yourself ?

Why does my butthole bleed when I wipe?

we got to see the moment of creation, which was terrifying. we learned that humanity, although inherently corrupt due to original sin, is genuinely worth saving.


soul mates are real. you will find her, if not in this life, then the next. death is not the end.

Doctor says I'm too sentient because my ass never leaves the couch.

That's how he "Feels" about sentient creatures.

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Why is your pic-related so similar to my life? It's like being around idiots 24/7. I have to explain myself just so they don't misunderstand me.
Like kids that have some sort of cereal box role model.

Nature is sin? Useless.