What's your earliest memory? It has to be an actual memory, not something you only know happened via pictures...

What's your earliest memory? It has to be an actual memory, not something you only know happened via pictures, home movies or anecdotes.

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be 16 months old in play pen with cousin
she poops nappy
I want my mum

Waking up from my racecar bed to go to bathroom. Got scared and ran back to bed.

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I'm guessing I was around 4
I was playing with a big plastic ball on my garage, nothing much.
But I clearly remember the floor tiles, the texture, the color. Same with the ball. There were 3 ppl with me, I can't remember their faces properly.

I swear I remember being dropped into the tub once when I was no more than 1

I have an extremely vague memory of riding in a train when I was 3 or younger.
Confirmed with parents that we would ride the train around that time.

wearing my mother's panties to a restaurant and being caught in the bathroom by my father ~age 2-3 ish

putting a nickel in my mouth and choking on it when i was 2

Mine is being scared of the brass lion in the hall to my mother's bedroom.

good one

I was like 2 and shoved candy in my nose. Also dk why but when I was 3-4 I used to write in diaries with scribbles bc I didn't know how to letter

Age 4 Playing with seashells on the beach

>not quite 2 years old, in usa
>in living room of parents house
>no shirt, just some kinda underwear on and extremely skinny for my age
>not crying, but feeling extremely sick and wanting it to go away
>mom and dad in kitchen adjoining the room dealing with my 2 brothers and probably dinner

We had all just returned from a 2 month trip to rural India. My mother and I picked up dysentery and some other diseases at the very end and were sick all the way back home. After getting back to the house, my mom recovered somewhat slowly, but I was very sick for several months. Eventually got better and became a fatass (ahh, the american dream).

First memory was being in unending pain for months. Shitty memory, but I think because it was so bad for so long that is why i remember.

Not wanting to watch the great muppet Caper, and becoming aware of my own cognitive self. So I was saying Mommy I remembered, not knowing what being self aware is.

And using my bed as a slide

Learning to walk at 7 months. Greatest feeling i can never feel again. Fuck i miss that toy truck that motivated me to walk

>did a thing
>got yelled at
Actually can't remember what I did at the moment.

Not quite sure if this is the earliest but I remember seeing visuals of triangles and circles, hear ringing/buzzing noise and then a pop. I come to, to find myself watching tv.

Having to drink something that resembled chocolate milk but it tasted god awful. I had to drink it to a book, but my father doesn't remember it at all.I must have been sick or something, but nobody remembers. I also remember using mini saws and hammers and nails in like kindergarten.

bump tell me what this means

>potty training on little plastic toilet
>time for babby's first solo shit--mom is in bathroom down the hall
>rectal muscles
>clench sphincter
>"Mom, mom! Look, it looks like bacon!"
mfw it didn't look like bacon...

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I'm convinced I experienced the moment before my own birth. I remember seeing dark amber all around me, drifting in space, fading to black, and nothing else before that.
Whether or not that's bullshit, I distincly remember being knocked over by the family's first dog when I was 2 or 3. A few memories overlap with that time, so I can't distinguish which of those happened first.