Dear Sup Forums, I'm drunk. What are you?

Dear Sup Forums, I'm drunk. What are you?

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lets see a time stamp

i am a paladin

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It's my wife boyo. Sorry. If you want to see a sad drunk man eating chicken noodle soup at 1:40am I'd be happy to provide.

drunk 2

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Spoon looks easter european

From the states, and I think the spoon is from target.

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fucking nasty is that a booger on the spoon

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I am a meat popsicle

are you horny?

Whatever it is, it came out if Campbell's chunky.

This is the best thread I have been ever been part of

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fucking disgusting kys

im u . u me

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drunk and just about out of cocaine. cheers

i am high as shit on ketamine

hope you die