Found this guy on twitter who actually thinks he's God

Found this guy on twitter who actually thinks he's God

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A lot of people do, what's the news there?

Y'all need Jesus

Thanks for your cross blog post too, nobody here cares about twitter. Are they so desparate that twitter as to pay people to post on Sup Forums? Twatters.

Really who else?

He has a YouTube channel where he drives recklessly cause god told him to do so

>He was behind

Attached: d6olwvfa2iax2543308000000.jpg (820x432, 38K)

Clash / Strummer


There's no denying that.

Could be like that weirdo that killed people because the dog told him to do so.

gods not real lol. what are you 12?

Clinton supporter detected.

He's crazy why is he still loose?

Perhaps it's a nigger and it's political correctness?

Hes on Instagram too apparently

Attached: Screenshot_20180328-193004.jpg (1061x1061, 178K)

That motherfucker was locked up and is now dead. I wont post his picture, that thing doesn't deserve it.

Yeah, he's a Sperger alright

He looks like a blogger fag. Thanks for advertisting it, I wont be going there.

Well, he's just applying rational logic to religious bullshit which turned out to be a bad idea. Because religious ideas are fucked up.

I hope god takes him soon too.

Clinton supporters are religious fucktards, just like the rest of America is.

He's not dead I just talked to him