Traps have the body of a woman, making them straight

>traps have the body of a woman, making them straight
>traps have the penis of a man, making them gay

traps are bisexual, discuss

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Im a trap and ive been dped in my butthole. What am i?

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X+Y chromosomes=male=gay

u r faget

>inb4 hurf durf chromosome outliers


if youd marry her before knowing about the dick, then fair enough whatever

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Sharpie in pooper pls



I see what you did there...

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>body of a woman
no they really dont more like the body of a twink

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Traps are not TRANS WOMEN you fucking idiots they are LITERALLY boys dresses as girls

They are BOYS



Traps don't have tits. They don't have pussies. They are simply femboys who crossdress

key word here is BOY

that doesnt mean i dont like them :q
i am one

Yeah its gay. Why does it matter though? Romans fucked boys, doesn't make them any less many.

I'd rather fuck a trap than a disgusting tranny

It doesn't matter. I'm bi. I'm just tired of the misconception that traps are girls since I've been jacking off to them for like 5 years now



that doesn't make it any less gay

I'm attracted to traps but I much prefer women. that makes me bi

traps are gay but so am i

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I think they like to be called girls just for fun and fetishy purposes, but obviously they are not, anf thus gay. But thats ok.

Presence of SRY gene? male
Absence? female

Yes, I would rather fuck a man in the ass, than fuck a bologna sandwich stapled to a man.

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What about people with altered chromsome configurations?

I have a friend with Kleinfelter's Syndrome. Was born with characteristics of both male and female. Can't help it.

Tell em baby

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is this from a set?

I know, I also like to dress up as a girl for fetish purposes
you seem to think I'm disagreeing with you or something

I'm pretty sure that is quintessential bisexuality

who is your friend and how can I fuck his boipussy

XXY almost always has enough test to make the ''female'' reproductive system non-functional.

It's Sup Forums, so I guess it's hard to tell when I'm in an argument or not, glad we're on the same page user.

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Goes by Nomaken online. Feminine penis, wide hips, soft skin, very subby personality, hates conflict and loves when everyone gets along. Loves cats. Might let you fuck his buttpussy if you're a nice person.

Anyway yeah. He chose to live and identify as male since that's more how he feels, but many Kleinfelter people don't get the choice, raised whatever way their parents chose.

Well i mean, his sperm aren't viable either so his "male" reproductive system is non-functional as well. If "able to reproduce as male=male" and "able to reproduce as female=female" then a whole lot of both men and women are not "actual" men and women.

Yeah they aren't, they are subhumans and should be gassed

buddy you're an unemployed virgin who lives in your moms basement and posts on Sup Forums. if we ever gas subhumans again, you'll be one of the first defective untermensch in the train car.

>likes cat
I have 4

does he have a kik or something

I Wonder how greasy your armpit is covered by a giant amount of fat