Why do black people talk like fucking retards?

Why do black people talk like fucking retards?

>aint nobohdy gon' get on our land witeboi bruh' hol' up

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Low IQ

bump with a fucking truck

I bet if I was as happy as the boy in the middle I'd spend less time on this shithole of a site

Sniffing petrol rekts your head


I'm black and I don't sound like that.

I love black people, I just hate niggers, I have amazing black friends and I know they would agree, when niggers go ghetto its a total embaressment to an educated black american.


it's call Ebonics.

I'm sorry, Tyrone. You do.

Lots of black people actually work for their living, niggers not so much.

It's because they are retatards

I asked someone the exact same question and he called me racist

because of affirmative action

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I refuse to share a post with a nigger. Go over to the one with the watermelons.

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Dumb nigger and ugly thot

This is just a french couple

Lmao black people apparently are the only ones who talk like retards? Have you been to the american south? Like holy fuck learn to speak.

It's just another variety of English. Linguists analyze it along with other languages, dialects, accent. I a lot of people consider it an inferior language in the US, either because they're racists or they just don't understand much about language. Why do we generally consider Carribean varieties of black English -- Jamaican patois, for example -- as "happy island" accents but without the same connotations of stupidity? Why do we love it when pirates be using be instead of is but criticize blacks for the same? Why are similarly unintelligible varieties of English (Appalachian, Cockney, etc) considered unique and interesting rather than stupid?

Exactly. I'm from Tennessee and have trouble understanding some people who grew up

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