If you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be...

if you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?

bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses

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bump 4 interest i guess

They would only get accepted into college if they have cute feet.

They must studdy and have grades above 5. If they fail a subggect, they get a warning and re-do a test. If they fail a re-do, they must study during summer and holydays. If they still fail, they get kicked out.

any other foot rules at the college?

they have to not wear shoes, instead just white socks

Too kinky tbh

i want to sniff girls feet

and must expose feet at all times. any sort of footwear is forbidden

if they are caught wearing any type of footwear, it is forcibly removed and burned while the offending college girl has her head shaved completely bald to the skin and every other female student must rub her bald head with their bare feet for at least 15 minutes

if they refuse, they are also shaved bald and must have their heads rubbed by their female colleagues' feet

My fetish is that OP stop posting about his micropenis fantasia. Their punishment for failing to stop him is to be forced to rip his fingernails out and taze his scrotum.

A vote between 3 random girls every week, the one who has been voted the most must do a gangbang and drink the cum of all of the guys involved (5)

If they let even one sip out :
1st offense : They must suck the cock of all guys in the college
2nd offense : they must suck the cock of all teachers in the college
3rd offense : They must be chained down, blindfolded with bunny/cat ears on them where all guys can force her to suck them and ejaculate on her face, in front of the monument in the country's capital.

for 3rd offense all guys would call her cock-sucking little cumbunny

They must constantly eat sperm at the cantine, if they forget homeworks they'll get publicly whipped, also feet must also be exposed

>1st offense
They'll have to service the teacher as he desires, but they are protected from anal and rough blowjobs
>2nd offense
They will be exposed in front of school naked, they will be for free use for every free male that desires to use them, everything allowed except harsh beating
>3rd offense
She will be put in the bathrooms and will be used both as toilet and fuckhole(and shithole cleaner) , everything allowed, blindfold and buttplug mandatory, they are allowed to remove it only with the consent of a client, limited rights to food and water, no rights to sleep

can boys request to use her feet?

as a college girl...this post worries me

how would you react if you had to go to a college like

Under normal conditions they are allowed to lick and suck them, footjobs are encouraged but not mandatory, if they refuse they'll only get a negative note,however starting from the 1st offense it becomes obligatory if required by the client, also by 3rd offense she is not allowed to wash them afeter cum unless a client desires so

id make sure i didnt get any offenses

do innocent girls ever get framed? or perhaps just administration error

Since girls of that age clearly cannot be trusted to make their own sexual decisions (as evidenced by reality, feminism, and university girls) All college girls must wear chastity devices when not-on their period.

The device will be attached to their groin via bolts placed through the pubic bone. The women will be unable to masturbate, or have sex until they are married.

This gives rise to a serious increase in anal sex, and most college girls gaining a serious fetish for giving blowjobs as it's the only form of intimate contact they're permitted to receive.

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Girls will never fight for rights, they'll roll over to whatever power structure is put in place.

Women are cattle.

anal would become the new sex but it doesnt give much pleasure to the girl so guys would just get less

That might happen sometimes, if her innocence is later discovered then she gets as compensation the right to choose as temporary slave someone who has committed at least 2nd offenses, male or female as she prefers, however the rules applied to males are clearly different to the ones applied to female offenders.

Girls fuck for attention, not for the pleasure of it... you can bet their sorry gaped asses that they'd be on their knees begging for chad or tyrone to rip up that shit chute.

Maybe if girls couldn't sport-fuck in university they'd learn how to be proper house wives instead.

If every girl who attended university was known as an anal whore, you'd be amazed how quickly they'd want to learn how to be good housewives and raise their kids again instead of turning into feminist land whales.

actually i dont fuck for attention thank you very much nor will i be begging anyone to rip up my shit chute.
and fuck you if you think i wanna be a good little housewife

would she be restrained for 3rd offense?

Why responding to a thread on an anonymous board to cry sexism achieving nothing in the first place if not for attention-whoring, also you would have no choice in such circumstances, whats the point of the debate in the first place?

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>Discussing the superior role of the male over female
>Insulting a male

Not necessarily 3rd grade the first time, but at least a 2nd grade for sure

how much sperm do they have to eat?

Colleges are now referred to as elementary schools, and vice versa.

>if you can’t score a goal, move the goal posts.

If you mean for offences as much as the client desires, if you mean regular diet it would be at least one shot per day

maybe after the 3rd offense, the laws are permanently harsher for her to make an example of her for other girls

Yup, good idea, she would have to drink twice as much of cum and every 1st grade offence would become a 2nd one

also more foot rules even if they dont commit any more offenses
