Why are americans so stupid?

why are americans so stupid?

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not american outlet. I don't know what country has outlets like that but it isn't america.

Half of them originally came from Europe, the other half from Africa.

When ever i see this picture with this question I ask myself who'd be stupid enough o fall for the bait...

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because trump is president

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I would almost say they are German, but most likely eastern european

Bitch that's not even American Style electric cords faggot

Because the only science subject they teach in America school is social science.

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fuck you

ITT newfriends


Can't stump won't stump fuck face

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If that are germans there is a
residual current circuit breaker and they don't give a fuck.

That's a Canadian outlet! Canucks are fucking RETARTED

That's a European style socket bro

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Your picture is so biased it's laughable.

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becuz they're white patriots. they were never very bright. disease infested cockroaches from europe. europe isnt any better

>speaks english


Only language required to succeed on the planet.

(I'm laughing at you)

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Fuck, this place is so stake and predictable.

I know this is bait but
>the plugs on the powerstrip
But you'll still get (You)s.

Definitely German beer on the table. Looks like Krombacher

white ppl are a disgrace to the human race

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Krombacher +1

just to remind that golden gate has as safety net
to prevent suicide

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