Its only geeeeey if its geeeeey

Its only geeeeey if its geeeeey.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lets get this geeeey boat off the pier.

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You're a pier.

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Yeah, what does that make you?

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Sure, let’s sail away together.

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a nigger

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starting kingsman soon,
just need 8 people

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Horses and bears are killing g/fur
Only feminine boys can save it!

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A pervert.

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>He is the author...

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Nothing wrong with a bit of masculinity. Although femboys are preddi gud.

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Masculinty is the devil.

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yaaaaaaay geeeeeeey

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A gfur thread and south park on the TV, at the same time. This evening seems to be going pretty good.

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Gay is the only way to live

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Where do I get a fuck toy like this? :3c

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I came, but there was no satisfaction. Just sadness and a slight uncomfortableness in my balls.

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I need one of those.

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In heaven and dreams

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ur mum lmao

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I can assist you next time you want pleasure. uwu

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punch them

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It wasn't a fun fap, it was a "get it out of the way" fap.

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Since no one wants to talk I’m just gonna keep this thread alive for a while.

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I was taking a shit. Now I've got to come up with something to do while this update downloads.

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What are you updating?

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I wanted to play Yooka-Laylee, but the network connection to the PS4 is being shit.

>playing shit banjo

Really? For me it was going fine an hour ago.

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Because it arrouses you.

that makes no sense nig

Its my wifi that's shit.

ur shit

I don't question why you get off to people playing mediocre games, I just let it be.

Can’t you get any better connection?

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You're the one wanting to play trash games
>muh nustalgia

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I'd have to move it into another room to get one.

I might as well, no reason for it to be out in the living room right now.

And you're jerking off to the idea of people wanting to play trash games. What's your point?

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Yeah I had my wifi in downstairs and I moved it up to my room recently.

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I'm thinking of using this time to start assembling my Skorne models, but I don't really have tablespace to set up long term projects.

It’s up to you, but it’ll get pretty boring in here if you leave.

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I've been pinned down my a purring fat cat.

dick it

You Australians and your bestiality.

That sucks. Can’t do anything, especially if it’s sleeping.

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says u

I always thought fapping was meant to be pleasant, not poignant. get your shit together, snarf

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Sup, shit heads?

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Heads shit sup

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She's awake, wanting pets.

And New Zealand.

You've never had to take a release jerk before?

give cat balls

$3000 paypal balance in picture form. wolfy-nail, I presume?

a few times, yes, but it felt good irrespective of bordering a necessity.

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Well if the cat ain’t sleeping then I’m goong to. Goodnight everyone.

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Didn't say it wasn't pleasurable, just that it wasn't fun.

Doesn't look like wolfy's lines and its too shaded/colorful.
Maybe not 3000, unless their is a bigger size of it. Probably something gay like $500-600.

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you're probably right, but it still looks like a fair bit of money on one picture. that's something I will never understand about furfags.

next time, ask your husbando to play with your benis

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I don't know where he is.

I'm pretty sure most furfags come from well off families. Think gay communities on SanFran. They have money but they don't spend it on anything except their impulses.
Their really isnt much different than people who spend hundreds of thousands on gun collections they will never use or million dollar cars they wind up wrapping around a tree.

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then text him and ask

so long story short - validation? then again, I know quite a few furfags who live on their own and independently, don't earn tonnes of money, yet still decide to blow it on comms. I suppose ego stroking and getting attention are quite addictive, but I digress