Tell me why I shouldn't give this a 5/5

Tell me why I shouldn't give this a 5/5.
I listened to it high as fuck and it took me on an incredible sonic adventure, like only a very select few other albums ever have.
There's just so much going on and everything sounds so musical and playful. The lyrics and artwork support the music really well in painting a vivid mental picture. It's just so much fucking fun.
AOTY for me easily.


Because x/10 is a better ranking system

DUDE WEED me all you want, doesn't make it any less amazing.

but muh S I C K R I F F S


tell me how do i get hghiigh


Literally no contest. Maybe Mark is in the ballpark.

i think they make good music but this is still just another variation on a familiar sound

Maybe it's a familiar sound because they are the same band on all these albums? What did you expect?
It's different enough to set it apart from the rest of their albums, yet still recognizably King Gizzard.
I don't see the problem.

I felt like that when I first listened to Nonagon Infinity
This album is just more of the same

Bretty accurate my man, I don't get those comments yet. If a band can make MotU and Sketches still sound like "them", that's an achievement.

vape weed

Why are you trying so hard to get people to stop liking them? Do you nothing better to do?

This may come as a shock but I wasn't actually posting ironically. I know it's sometimes hard to discern on here, but I honestly really like it.

I wish I could kill every band member and fan of King Gizzard


>If a band can make MotU [...] still sound like "them"
Not that big a feat considering they literally reused songs from Nonagon.
Sketches was great though.

Because all of you are fucking cringe

they aren't as obnoxious as tame impala or mac demarco fans but they are definitely up there

>I wish I could kill every band member and fan of King Gizzard
but this isn't cringe? lol

you’re mom

I'm dad

Every fucking King Gizzard poster has to tell us how high they where while listening, annoying cunt

I can't wait till I get home so that I can listen to these SICK FUGGING PICKLE RIFFS while I smoke some cannabis(known as "weed" colloquially)


>I listened to it high as fuck

Idk OP, I'm a sucker for quasi-conventional calculated to the t pop music

This not that, this is just some dudes having some sort of song structure then jamming out to it and recording it.

It is not my thing

Edgelords nowday, you are definitely right and not cringy at all bro, no beef bro.

>referencing to Sup Forums
I don't even like this music or weed but you are cancer and it triggers me

Almost as cringe as gb2 reddit posters

I’m usually not much into this band but I thought this album was pretty good. Searching was the main standout for me, I loved how they employ Painting With vocal shit at the end.