What is the one thing you hope to experience before you die?

What is the one thing you hope to experience before you die?

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I've experienced enough and can't wait to get off this ride

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Two chicks at once

I wana be in love with someone who loves me back

I want to be a father

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Be able to go back in time and fix my big fuck up

Same, kinda sad tho

I want to write a book, then rent out a boat, sail out into the ocean as far as I can and drown myself.

A little girl

fucking a bird girl

Uploading my mind into the Internet.

>What is the one thing you hope to experience before you die?
Fall in love. Oh, wait, did that
Get laid. Oh, wait, did that
Learn to draw. Oh, wait, did that
Get high and stay high. Oh, wait, did that
Body surfing on acid. Oh, wait, did that
Et cetera. Not much left that's new that I want to do. Mostly it's just making payments, you know? Getting older, marking time, drinking too much. The big events are past.

Filling here cloaka to the brim, right?


being alive

Try putting stuff in your butt.

You need a near death experience

not that kind of bird i mean one that does stuff like this

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No cloaka no birb

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being important

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being loved by another human being

fuck the sister I don't have

Shit, this is true for me too. I can't think of anything I really want to do besides secure a stable future for family and friends once I'm gone.

I feel like I've lived my whole life by now. The rest is just gonna be work and whatever the next big craze/scare going on in the world is.

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A good night's sleep

This, a thousand times this

Source pls

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It's overrated and more complicated than it needs to be.



monster musume

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