So I got a job offer and management sent me some paperwork to fill out...

So I got a job offer and management sent me some paperwork to fill out, but it's in a PDF file and they want me to return it by email.

I can open it in chrome and fill in the blanks, but I cant save my information. I need a decent program that can open the file, allow changes to be saved and then emailed back to the company.

Picture unrelated

Attached: The-Del-Taco-(Soft).png (860x480, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:

FUCKING gay. Print it out and hand it in like a real man

They specifically requested that it be emailed.

I wouldnt even know who to hand it to. They did not provide a name and are using a generic company email address.

Just fucking print it out, then fill it out, then use a scanning app for your phone and save it as a PDF then mail it back.. Why are people so technically challenged these days.

Foxit reader

Foxit or pdf X change editor. Do you not know how to torrent?

Fill it out, screen grab it, attach it to the email.

convert it online to word doc, docx or something
fill it out in word
save as pdf

Op can't write so he wants to be able to type it all.

You need to go to Staples and buy a copy of Adobe Pro. Costs around $500. Don't subscribe, buy it.

why do you come to the porn board to ask a tech question that is so important to getting a job? going to Sup Forums never occurred to you? i have a feeling you won't be getting the job if you can't even get that far in life

It's free if you torrent it..

its for an IT firm systems admin position so I have to show them I at least know how to do that, I kinda embelished my resume abit, but I know how to use facebook and I bought my own macbook so it cant be that hard

>So,,,He was behind of it?

Attached: fl7sx0e11kaz2544347000000.jpg (805x558, 41K)

Jackie Chan?

>knows how to use facebook
just off yourself faggpt

>They did not provide a name and are using a generic company email address.

Seriously OP, this sounds like an identity theft scam.

I would google that for you" but I am not.

>Get Adobe Reader DC
>Use this help article
>Fill in and save to your heart's content

Quick google searches are your friend.

no, I had to send them $1500 so they could give me access to their sales merchandise, once I fill in the form they send me my pack and I can start working for myself

print it out and fucking scan it.. or make a photo and email it...

fucking hell, annon

You are trying to get an IT job and you bought a macbook? Dude you already failed your first day.

All these people taking the bait. Well played, OP.

thanks guy, I dodnt know there was a free version, almost bought a pdf editor online

you are officialy worse than the 'IT Guy'

You had to give them $1500 to get a job? Stupid fuck, you got scammed and trolled all of us at the same time..

so they stole your identity and you paid them to do it as well

fuck you I could help you in 1 second but you blew it faggot.

En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otras 10 preguntas mas .ESTO ES CIERTOathqga

Attached: 1508106007465.jpg (1016x1500, 309K)


Well taco taco burrito to you too, senior.

I think OP had a longer bait prepared but it just hasn't picked up enough.

I 've sent my company 1000$ and they will contuct me in 2 weeks to let me know.



You should be manager of taco bell.

Here's your 20 bitcoin.

20 btc.txt

Das a mitee fyne talko...

Print->print to file. Boom, text boxes all done, all in chrome, and you don't look as technologically illiterate as you are.

Fuck I forgot you could do that.

Also most of the post pretending to OP were not me.