Ylyl not fucking trash edition

Ylyl not fucking trash edition

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I ylylylyl already'd

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actually lost, hmph, who knew

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Hate to say it but she's got a point

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Fists are to standing up for yourself, guns are for protecting your home and family.

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Attached: airport.png (990x1074, 538K)

That made me laugh harder than it should've.

Haha lost

its my girlfriends favourite picture

Haha got me good

Haha that was good

Attached: DBQLmyIUwAARONU.jpg (750x737, 103K)

why would he be banned for posting that?

Attached: tot.png (601x601, 755K)

I keep losing

Haha it’s so hard to look at other photos in this thread

“Now that is called what I call banana1”

Attached: 1520020966811.jpg (327x589, 22K)

Look I am laff


Hahahaha guys look at this

Hahahahaha bandana

Attached: 1518220094328.jpg (1024x643, 90K)

Laughing really good right now tbh 100 100 fr fr


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What does YLYL mean?

I thought Sonic's eyes were fused together?

you laugh you lose faggot

bro stfu

Oh I thought it meant You laugh you lose haha ha

I don't get it..

Legit lost, fuck

oh I am dying haha

where did you get this


Haha this guy


that mod was probably gay

Why do the subtitles on the last panel look all janky?

stuart big

So this implies toaster production relies on the successful breeding of poles?


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My god I actually lost. my sides were in orbit

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>Be Canadian


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its funny cause it was true

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put two and two together dipshit

They are insane if they think they are getting anything bigger than one bedroom for less than 1500$ a month in the SanFran area. They are also disgusting humans.

I bet his parents regret having any children that lived.

Jesus that was hilarious

That's hot somehow


Attached: 1521340634198.jpg (720x708, 100K)

You can save it if you like

Attached: smokingpepeabstract.gif (500x459, 333K)

Snapchat tier trash get this shit outta here. Worse than reddit

Are these the Same Guns that kills your Family in your Home?

I thought Mann are using Penises but well Fisting is on an coming i presume....

>Real men use their fists against a criminal with a gun
good luck

If youre a responsible gun owner (aka got a brain somewhere in that thick head of yours) you will never be in a situation where your gun kills your family.

I dont get where this line of thinking comes from.

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this is pretty funny


Why are Americans like that? Honestly, I've never met anyone like that in Europe. Ever.

Lol do you mind if I share it with my friends?

I fucking hate pest control

Stupid people who've never seen or handled a gun in real life thinking they're magical spirit death machines that possess their handlers to do evil.

GTFO newfag

>Not linking to the original video


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real man use penis