ITT: post an album, others describe what it would smell like

ITT: post an album, others describe what it would smell like.

A little bit of sweat and late summer fairs.

like shit


Strawberry bubblegum and that very plastic smell new, electronic objects have when you first buy them.

Sweaty armpits and strawberry



Pollen in the first days of spring and salty popcorn
I'm having way too much fun.

Burning gook.



exhaust fumes, the sea and a lil bit of a milky smell but not really

Boiled potatoes

A freshly baked loaf of bread

Spaces that have been closed for too long and... burned things.


cum and fresh mountain air

fruit punch with a hint of blood

smells like Sup Forums shilling to me

an old house
that weird smell art girls get when they don't bath in a couple days, like salty milk and coins
that smell of earth after it rains, petrichor


Cologne, watercolours and finally, the smell of boys making fun of you!

xD upboat

>look mom, i replied to everything again XD

What does cocaine smell like?

It also smells of dusty basements and chemicals used for embalming.

your dad's garage
paint fumes
freshly cut grass and a hint of weed
when you open a real old book
wet wood
strawberry ice cream after you've been crying for a while

that's hot desu

fresh playground concrete
decaying wood
crisp winter air

a quiet elevator in an expensive building


Your grandmother's basement. Imagine that musty smell when you see an old 70's plaid chair, and it has that distinguished scent. That's what this album smells like. Not wholly unpleasant, but definitely specific.

Like a rave. Body odor, definite hint of drugs in the air. Spilled alcohol.

Fresh air. A combination of fresh air and cut grass. (Someone else said cut grass as well, but it's perfect dammit)


A fire in the middle of a cold forest.

Red peppers and slightly sour milk.

Badly oxidized metal.

old pictures/books

When the air is so cold that you can't smell a thing, and instead your nostrils hurt a little on every inhalation.

like a brand new computer

To much cologne


Blood or metal kind of smell


Like a dirty metro and weed

dried piss sheets
cat piss
old yarn
candy corn and latex
werther's original
a soggy leaf
chlorine filled pool with piss in it

It smells like loud instruments and awful vocals with the exception of one song.


the way your hands smell after you're holding coins




It smells like ween-is lol

The woods on a wet day


chemicals, and then your nose goes numb. not nice really.


Smell of homeless' piss near a metro station.
I think it's perfect:

molasses and cigarettes

Semen on mountaintops

Jeff Mangum's farts


bo and too much cologne
a hipster antique shop
the dmv
chewing tobacco

but what would that even smell like?

honey and gunpowder

When you brush your teeth too hard and spit blood.

gunpowder and teen spirit

how do you not know what old coins smell like?

Your fingerprints on my computer

like magnesium and dirt I guess

Soy milk



like pusy


like those spooky sand things in star wars that yell really loud

You know when you got an hangover and you wake up to the smell of food being cooked and it fucking kills you? That's what I am talking about.

Thats a feeling, the smell is just regular food


Smells like an hospital at full capacity

I wonder what's for dinner...

WhAt Do I sMeLl LiKe???


A bedroom with not enough ventilation and too much cum

Actually imagine the smell....


The smell of working up the nerve to steal someones panties only to find them completely scentless

so no scent? These overly detailed descriptions are ridiculous imo

It's the smell of disappointment and shame

That burning smell when you use a new toaster for the first time.

> the smell of disappointment and shame
Do I even need to reply? I am dissapointed in your non-smell answers

>homosexual detected

Chocolate cheesecake with a dash of aids


aids doesn't have a smell you fuckin pos

whatever an impending overdose smells like



But it's much stronger.



what does heroin smell like

Someone recommend me an album that smells like a brand new couch

pubescent sweat, moist temperatured room with closed door and windows, burnt guitar amps.
dark clouds with a hint of berries.
unused, steamy pillow.


Smellerate all of Green Day's albums

[spoiler]saying they're all shit is WAAAY too easy; get creative; unlike Green Day[/spoiler]