Is brockhampton a boy band?

they are boys in a band. And they have boy band like qualities

I say yes, they are a boyband

I thought it was just that one man in the car. Now his entire crew sleeps in it as well?

too ugly for boyband status

may they forever be known as an animal collective

>poor odd future rip off
>top cringe rapping
stop shilling this band on my board please

Everything about them is a gimmick

> Nigga, this your bord now?

also ,that was not the fucking question

this is a poor man's odd future

They're like a microcosm of liberal america

I fucking hate that brockhampton got popular
Also no, they don't play any instruments so they're not a band they're a rap group.

no the nigga to the right is a girl

>"Anthony Hopkins, I'm eating them raw"
best punch line in a rap song?

yeah but not as good as
"beat the pussy to submission. Tom Cruise on a mission "

>poor odd future ripoff
I would agree if not everything about them were better than Odd Future.
>top cringe rapping
"Kill people, burn shit, fuck school"
OF consisted of the ugliest niggas to walk this planet. Tyler looks like a literal chimpanzee, Earl is the personification of fetal alcohol syndrome, combined with sofa-sized-lips. Domo looks like a mongolian throat singer who decided to be a nigger too for more oppresion points halfway at birth. Left Brain is a literal proboscis monkey. Jasper is like the fat romanian gypsy kid who stole your bike in elementary. Let's not talk about Syd, Mike G, and Taco, holy shit

lmao, nice digits too

my fucking sides

Are you implying you wouldnt fugg noah

I don't even like OF and brockfagton still sucks, check mate sire.

matt champion though

If you mean that their popularity relies solely upon their image and the """personality""" of its members, then yes

Lol they ar just so fun and zany XD

who's the one with talent in the group?