How have special effects barely progressed in the last 11 years?

How have special effects barely progressed in the last 11 years?

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Are you blind? It looks much better.

>barely progressed
But it looks worse. That's called regression.

>That's Kong. He's King around here.

They actually fucking said that.

Why did they turn Kong into a brainlet in this one?

its a reboot nigger, they wanted the monkey to look retro... the dumb fucks

>he thinks that the artistic style has anything to do with the cgi

kindly exit this planar existence if you please

Diminishing Returns

bottom looks more realistic probably thanks to the shitty resolution

Will there be penis worms to satisfy my fetish?

Otherwise i won't be interested.

There was a large spider so maybe.

Will Jack Black be in it?

Jackson probably had $100 million more to work with and Weta doing the effects.

The fur on the 2005 kong looks groomed as fuck whereas the fur on the new one is all matted and shit.

Hair rendering tech is always improving because it's such a pain in the ass.

Polycount doesn't matter to movies the way it does in games. Models in animation and special effects are smoothed by an algorithm.

That logic applies to video games where what you see is rendered in real time

>being this dense.
I am not talking only about polycount you nitwit, it is only a commonly used example that can be applied to a large number of CGI effects of how the closer you come to photorealism, the harder it is to make gret visal progress. AKA diminishing returns.

I really think they're intentionally going for a guy in an ape suit look.

The scenes aren't exactly ideal to compare but the fur and the way the light spreads across the skin look much better in the newer one. I think the design of Kong himself is the major problem.

So why do videogames consistently get better looking, whereas movie CGI hasn't really jumped ahead in the last 10 years.

>it looks much blurrier


You haven't been paying enough attention either to video games nor to animated movies.

Kong in the distance.

Am I wrong in thinking that once you get into 4k resolutions and higher the poly count starts to matter more and more again?

No shit fully animated movies are always gonna look great, since they do everything from scratch to fit a very specific art style.

But with movies, CGI subjects within live action shots is still jarring as fuck.

>So why do videogames consistently get better looking
You're deluding yourself. The quality change from 1995 to 2005 was unbelievable, whereas quality change from 2005 to 2015 was barely noticeable.

actually iunno about that. i was gonna say to that guy, that looks comparable to crysis, but after having looked up screenshots, it looks way worse than i remember

shits definitely improved significantly.

Sure, textures are higher res, but overall, quality didn't increase as much as you'd expect

>"there must be some kind of way outta here" starts playing

Viet Kong?

It probably has more to do with lighting and other factors aside from polygon count.

why did you chose the worst pics you could find?
even the older one you managed to get a bad blurried pic


>It Ape Me starts playing

Movie CGI has improved a lot, actually. Something like pic related was impossible ten years ago (not just shot like this but scenes where the characters move around etc.). Then there's things like young Michael Douglas in Ant-Man. While it wasn't 100% there, it was incredibly close.

Movies still really can't pull off any otherworldly stuff with CGI. It always feels a bit fake, even when it's really good.

No it does but it's still diminishing returns

Besides, as far as just polycount goes there are many far more intelligent ways to make the model look more realistic than just upping the amount of polygons. It will be a very, very long time before it's so inconsequential as far as performance goes that people just decide to up the amount of polies like that

Pic related is not even CGI you dumb fucktard. It's only green screen.

Theyve always called him King Kong though. How else are they gunna get the name?



The new one almost looks like a costume.

For most of the movie they cg'd armie's face on to another guy
Who's the dumb fucktard now.

What fucking game is that?

people need to figure out that the problem is not in the tech, but lies in shitty animators and shitty 3D lighting artists.
The fucking orang outang in dawn of the planet of the apes was gorgeous

They did that with Lindsay Lohan a decade ago

End this stupid fucking meme

>they cg'd armie's face
>they computer generated armie's face

jesus christ this board is full of VFX illiterate cunts.

It's not computer generated imagery, it's compositing, it has nothing to do with the discussion of the thread


No it's called congress ;)

>not getting the point

>quality shify from 2005 to 2015 is barely noticable
King Kong on the PS2 looks like shit now. I remember playing that when it came out and it was goddamn beautiful. For that matter, Dead Space looked amazing when it cane out and now it looks fairly jagged and blurry and that was on the PS3.

Because Hollywood is slowly going bankrupt. The entire enterprise is starting to fail as people move onto the web

TV's have been functionally obsolete for 15 years. Movies have been obsolete for over 60


armie's face is only composited onto josh's for a few shots. when you first see them rowing, for instance, and when they first meet mark and take him back to the fraternity. if you know where to look for it it's quite noticeable. most of the time the winklevoss's are just two passes of the scene with armie hammer's diferrent performances. josh pence would be used for rehearsal and blocking.

>special effects
It's called visual effects

there is a big difference because special effects mean practical effects.

visual effects means only if it's done with computers.

New one looks better to me.

Where does a big ass 100 yard tall gorilla sleep in the jungle?

Where ever the fuck he wants to.

Yeah but where does he hide when it's raining? Or he just stands in the fucking rain like an autist?

looks like something out of shadow of the colossus

>those muscles

>it ape me starts playing

Is Kong the son of Hercules himself?


>>"it ain't me" starts playing.

How about just straight up calling him King Kong instead of never actually calling him that and just giving a subtle nod to his name?

It's like Fant4stic and "get a load of doctor doom here!"

damn it!

>monsters are just shitty generic MUTOs again
>meme persona John C Reilly instead of serious actor John C Reilly

Nah, I'll pass.

I don't think that matters to him at all anymore.

Why are they doing this? Is he the real Dr Brule?

the juggling scene is the worst scene in the history of mankind.

Special effects are progressing slowly but at least they've improved more than shadman ever will

protip: the studio didnt have the rights to 'king kong'

im not joking either


>blind idiots in this thread
Special effects have advanced substantially. A handful of blind contrarian faggots will never change this. No matter how much they bitch about it.

The image is for representation only, how can be someone so fucking retard.
Diminishing returns are real, yes you can add suface textures, but once you have a lot of polys it takes more and more to make a noticeable change.

But talking about CGI, the issue isn't that, CGI can look almost real, but animators always fuck up, models have no weight, they don't respect basic laws of physics and our brain catches that instantly, because we are that fucking good at recognising patrons.