Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

What is his fucking problem?

>tfw she got raped by niggers irl

Scientology was right

can't bruise the cruise

damn it feels good to be male


Honest that shit is horrible.

Fuck New York, man.

She devolved into a lesbian grandmother

Fran Drescher also got raped by them

Tom Cruise has a lot of plastic surgery doesn't he? Especially his teeth.

He raped again in the 90's. He had a wife and kid and was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Sweet justice.

Manlets don't age like real people just look at Elijah Wood.

wtf I hate heterosexuality now


honestly she doesn't look that bad she just has that grandma haircut

If she grew her hair long she'd look younger


Tom Cruise is actually literally immortal

May b she doesnt want to risk getting raepd again

>plastic surgery

dentists are for everyone friend

>tfw manlet family and we all look much younger than our true ages, especially my dad

e-eat shit lanklets at least i can still fuck teenage chicks while 25 without them suspecting a thing

>needs to look younger to fuck 25 year Olds

Just be alpha user.

>that poster in the background

Holy shit

Better not to make them suspect my true age, sluts are crazy, don't wanna go to jail

25 is well over legal age user wtf


the same guys?

Yea, but she is a Jew
