I watched Alien today, and enjoyed it quite a bit

I watched Alien today, and enjoyed it quite a bit.
My favorite part, for sure, was the set. The interior of the Nostromo was just so beautiful and well-made.
What did you think?

I know you want to talk about the interior of the Nostromo, but can we discuss the bonus situation?

I got to see a screening of this in a theater.

It was only me and a bunch of 40something white dudes sitting alone. Definitely the best experience I've ever had seeing a movie in a theater.

Well, you get what you contracted for just like everyone else.

It's one of those films that I can watch almost anytime. I never get tired of it.

The acting, the atmosphere, the set design.

They said that the ship was so full of itracacies, that if someone flipped a switch or pushed a button, a light or another instrument panel would react or light up in someone else's station.

Yeah but uh, everyone else gets uh, more than us.

* intricacies


There is a clause in the contract which specifically states any systematized transmission indicating a possible intelligent origin must be investigated.

I don't want to hear it

We don't know that it's intelligent...


I wanna go home and party


Parker, will you just listen to the man?




all the cool hinduism stuff on the reactor buttons was cool too

Cute :3

But what's the symbol for a bonus?

what is it with old scifi movies and thinking futuristic just means a lot of white and a lot of blinking lights

It just looks interesting. But in reality, trained people can decipher the meaning of lights they see.

don't be talking shit about MUTHR
old computers did have lots of blinking lights. also there is text under many of those lights, you can barely make it out

The bridge is so fucking cool. It's the perfect mix of the bridge of a ship and a cockpit.
All the knobs and buttons and CRTs make it seem like something that is supposed to be as simple and rugged as possible.

Did you guys play Alien isolation? Fucking stellar recreation of the movie's aesthetics

I'm not talking shit i'm just saying it seems like a popular aesthetic at the time
I actually kind of like it I always get a nostalgic feeling when something like that comes up

i was able to finish it once, went back to play it again and i just was too afraid to keep going
loved it, too bad there won't be a sequel

it had the best VHS filter I've ever seen in a videogame

top tier audio too
>thosre thumping footsteps of the alien fucking around in the vents
really spooked the fuck outta me

yeah it was just as scary as seeing the first Alien when i was 6 when it was released
i loved their replication of the the sets from the film and the use of the limited tools, scanner/cutter etc
too bad the story was so fucking thin


I read up on that, kinda dissapointed. I read all the text logs and listened to the audio logs and loved the extra shit