Why hello beautiful

why hello beautiful

they don't call him the joker for nothing

quadanrous power coupling

(you) (you (you) Y()U LMAO


you know Sup Forums sometimes you're alright




Imagine having to look at Maggie Gyllenhaal in that moment saying "beautiful". It only works because Joker is inherently an ironic character.


What did he mean by this?

top fucking kek

I don't remember this from The Secretary

Kek first post best post

That scene won him the Oscar

Someone once posted a webm of Maggie taking off her shirt and bra

Her whole body is such a mess

it also killed him

it killed him though

DAMN Maggie Gyllenhaal looks like *that*?!

>got so into his character he became a shut-in and killed himself

>piggyface mcDroopyTits

how can they share the same genes?

>that jake's face


How was she cast?

>Interviewer: What would you say was the most challenging part of filming The Dark Knight?
>Christopher Nolan: Definitely the most nerve-wracking shot was when the Joker meets Rachel Dawes. I know this sounds ridiculous for a picture of this size, with all these special effects and masters, because it's just a simple double, an over-the-shoulder, but that shot kept me up all night. And I mean that literally.
>Interviewer: You have a reputation of being somewhat cavalier on set.
>Christopher Nolan: [Laughs.] I am not a fan of takes. For me, it's one and done, but that's only because I'm obsessed with planning. If things don't come off perfectly the first time, I've failed in my job as director. Either I haven't thought through the technicalities, or I haven't put my actors in the right head-space, so if a take fails, it's on me. But this scene, man. [Laughs.] It all hinged on a line of dialogue that Jon for some reason insisted on.
>Interviewer: Your brother [Jonathan Nolan] insisted on?
>Christopher Nolan: I was doubtful, but if you know him, these things are set in stone. I couldn't cut the line, because we needed that beat, and I never do ADR, so it was do or die on set. We booked three hours on a Wednesday night for this shot, and I was up all Tuesday night thinking, will [Heath Ledger] do this, maybe he can do that. I was trying to figure out some workaround to avoid that line right up until the camera started rolling. And then Heath took his mark, delivered the line. And he sold it. He absolutely sold it. Everybody was blown away. I'd underestimated him as an actor. I don't think anyone will make that mistake again.

Easy. He got the handsome man genes, and so did she.

newfags pls leave

holy shit fuck off back to r€ddit you newniggers

what was the meaning behind his words?

Heath is prettier than her

I heard this is the scene that drove Heath crazy.

>"He was just confused all the time, at the end. He'd hold up pictures and ask me 'Is she beautiful? How about her?' It got to the point where I had to leave because I just couldn't watch someone spiral down like that. If only I knew what he had planned, I would have stayed that night."
>Mary-Kate Olsen, Vanity Fair interview December 2008

Shes got a fucking ugly nose

You mean beautiful, right?

one of the cruelest, most heinous things i have ever seen in film. this scene truly established Joker's crazy persona