Man, they are not happy. Opinion pieces in 3...2...1

Man, they are not happy. Opinion pieces in 3...2...1...

Other urls found in this thread: white viorence!!.jpg/

>white people complaining about white people

I honestly believe this has something to do with a black president.

Trump will sort it out.

Jesus Christ there's already a black female lead in the film. These people should be gassed.

stop bullying white women

That's weird.
I thought Clarke was cast mostly to please the landwhale leftist demo that watches Game of Thrones.

>Jesus Christ there's already a black female lead in the film

Yer serious?

I hope she's 10 kilograms overweight and fully nude when Harrison Ford bangs her viciously from behind.

Realistically they need the lead to be a white female or it won't make as much money. That's just how it works.

No there isn't. There were 3 that were reading for the role that Clarke probably ended up getting.

>>I honestly believe this has something to do with a black president.
Not really.
Whites are just rabid
Just look at any board with flags.They all hate each other.
The no brotherhood between white races.

>wearing panties
>wearing panties
>not wearing panties

nice continuity faggotss

why aren't they replacing 'white' with 'obese'

These people are just attention seeking idiots who probably have no genuine interest in SW and wouldn't watch the movie either way.

There's no brotherhood between any race.

Great news guys! We've officially got our first POC female lead for a Star Wars film!

Yes there is. Sure some asians don't like other asians but with whites it is pure hatred

White people want other white races to die out and be put on the ground and raped

That is why white women are the most annoying people on this planet.
Because they are completely alone
Their gender has no solidarity and their race has no solidarity.

Godardian, isn't it?

Member when people didn't compare about diversity in film

Oy! Cheers mateys, we should celebrate huh? Yes?


>Sure some asians don't like other asians
You have never been to asia. I nearly got into a fight with some south asians for saying the word "japan"

What does POC mean? Is this what white people use to refer to anyone that isn't white?

This idiot has never heard of colonials, huh?

The 90's. Great times.

>with whites it is pure hatred

Really activated my almonds white viorence!!.jpg/




>some Asians don't like other Asians
North Korea wants to nuke Japan and South Korea and exterminate them. It's a little more than just dislike.

It's what you call the coloreds.

For asians it is more than "they should stay in their own country"
For whites they desperately want other whites to die out
Brits want germans to get raped and die
Germans want Netherlanders to die
Everyone hates Swedes even Swedes themselves
Americans hate all of europe
Europeans hate america and canada

I have no idea how white people achieve anything because every other white is against them.

The wall just got 10 ft higher

They're right though. Its boring as fuck.
Not because shes white but because every star wars woman is basically the same. Its a sassy white brunette. Only one to slightly break the mold is padme because she was characterless.

you mean the fence

>Brits want germans to get raped and die


We just want to weaken them to the point where they are incapable of being the continent's great power, and we can return to divide and rule of European nations.

why do these people appear to be bullying white women with dark hair implying they're generic over being cast in a flick

i'd love to be implanted with one of these peoples brains for a day it must be absolutely sublime

who gives a shit? this is a small number of people stop giving them attention.

>when hollywood pushes diversity too hard and it comes back to bite them on the ass as they lose money from people who don't want to see a movie with tokens and people who think it's not diverse enough

Poo tree

I love that they are turning on even white women these days. They are going to push us so far right it'll take us decades to get back to the center. They can say bye-bye to all white women voters now too.

Looks like Disney are going to learn the hard way why no-one in their right minds should ever try to appease or actively cater to this fifth column of crypto-communist scum.

1) They're a very small minority who learned to effectively use social media as a megaphone to give the illusion of strength in numbers
2) They have zero buying power. Zip. Nada. Even if they'd cast a disabled lesbian trans-black trans-woman as the lead most of these people would still most likely not see the film, or pirate it instead
3) Give an inch and they will take ten miles. Too late for you now, Disney. You showed your soft underbelly to these people by having that cuck Abrams prostrate himself before the Comic-Con masses and promise they'd do better than TFA with regards to black, Asian and disabled roles, and Kennedy promising women directing. They won't stop attacking you now for every tiny perceived sleight against their cultish beliefs, ever

No it is pure hate.
You don't want them just lose power. You want to see them get raped and replaced

Again check out any board with flags. Maybe get a proxy of a different white country and see how people react to you

You all hate each other.


Oh Disney is going to try and remedy this I bet you anything there will be more PoC in Episode VIII than you can imagine. Oh and I bet Poe is going to be anal fucked by Finn.

Let's not forget that the majority of white women voted for Trump.

White women are literally Hitler.

Only the majority of uneducated white women.
That happens when you don't study gender studies.

Its more than that. Asians hate other Asians. Whenever an Asian visits another Asian country, you'll barely feel the welcome when a White visits their country. This came from the fact that in WW2 Japan pretty much raped much of Asia that's why other Asians hate other Asians. On the other hand, Whites are loved by Asians since America saved them back in WW2. Its pretty much became a psychological thing for Asians to hate other Asians but to welcome Whites

do these asswipes even like starwars?

Ya its weird I can't come close to figuring out why they are so offended do they really care that much I don't get it

Are you autistic enough to take Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposting literally?

This. People are forgetting the buisness side of hollywood. It can't be all about propaganda and social programming.

People are more honest if they are anonymous.

This image is retarded beyond belief.

yes they marathoned them when the sw7 trailer came out whilst on their phones dm'in on twitter

It's not bullying if they can justify themselves with their ideology. Then it's systemic tyranny.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually praise Vikings as being "true Aryan master race", not even on Sup Forums.

Don't even pretend they marathoned them at all. After the VII trailer came out my sister all of a sudden started talking about how much she loves star wars. My entire life she has said it's stupid and she hated it. She didn't watch the movies but she saw VII anyways.

And guess what? It still won't be enough.

Some minuscule detail about the characterisation or portrayal otherwise of their Asian, PoC, and/or LGBT characters will raise their ire. If they film it in an exotic location, they'll be accused of being exploitative or appropriating culture. If the films keep turning a profit they'll demand the money be turned over to "worthy causes".

This is how they work. Anyone who's been watching them closely since they trampled all over the games industry will tell you the same thing: once they can wedge their foot in the door, their grievances with your output will increase in volume and magnitude geometrically. Soon that foot in the door has escalated to your entire house being systematically dismantled.

The only winning move is not to play. If they come knocking, you tell them unequivocally to fuck off.

>Emilia is Indian



from the anus?

we live in an age where white people might actually complain about white people more than blacks

Not a single nigga caring about Star Shit casting in ops pic

>expecting a normie to marathon 6 long-ass movies about space ninjas and politics

To be fair some of those female leads are members of the same family

Can't wait for more pop culture reference in my Star Wars.

>Solo: "Look, lady, time to go.
>Emilia: "You will not depart without me!"
>Solo: "Who are you supposed to be? Some kind of... queen? *winks at camera*
>Emilia: "You are insufferable and you will learn to mind your manners."
>Solo: "You're not my mother... of dragons." *grins and winks harder*

Sup Forums is the most white board is it not?
They really care about "white genocide" and stupid shit like that, right?
So they are the extreme.
Shouldn't they root for other white countries?
Shouldn't Americans want Germany to do well so there can be more German immigrants so they can ensure their white survival?

But they don't just cheer when something bad happens in another white country.
They are actively rooting for it.

The libtards have been well-trained.

As a black male i came to the realization that diversity only purpose of existence is to please white liberals.

>it's a Sup Forumseddit circlejerks about a couple of irrelevant faggots tweeting shit nobody would read aside from obsessed anti-sjw crusaders episode
you faggots love being triggered

t.butthurt viking

And you think you are better?
You love getting trgigered over other people getting triggered.

how does a grown man have the time or interest to get upset about something like this?
like holy shit is there nothing more useful you can dedicate your time to than getting triggered because a casting choice was white? grow up.

Now my chocolate comrade, you need to understand WHY this is so important to them, or rather the handlers holding their leash. Start with the concept of Hegelian dialectics and work out from there.

They're also autistic basement dwellers, not your average Joe.

This post reeks of white privilege and cultural insensitivity toward the plight of P.O.C (that's people of colour, btw, I know you don't know any IRL).

> give them an inch and they want a mile

Oh wow this has never happened before. When will the kike execs learn?

>the virtue signalling power levels are only growing stronger

No. Only difference now from "back then" is all the idiots have a very good tool for getting their opinions heard. But the key to human progression is to ignore these opinions, meaning, get the fuck off social media cancer.

Dismissing them as irrelevant made more sense before Trump.

Look I am not telling you to change. As a non-white I must admit the idea of white people getting along is a little scary. So I am glad you all hate each other.

Its just weird to me. I had the same feeling when I first realized women don't get along like men.

Why dont shitskins make their own movies? Oh thats right, they are inferior subhumans who rely on the mercy of white people to even survive.

>Whites have a higher rate of college education than other races
>Most of these college educated white have degrees in womens basket weaving and minority oppression Olympics

This is why you see:
>More people seeming to talk and complain about these issues
>More people unable to pay off their student debts

They're "educated at a college level" but in completely useless subjects that make them only qualified to complain online and protest in the streets.

These faggots aren't going to be happy until we have a black tranny in a wheelchair replacing Peter Parker in Spiderman 2020

I wish twitter had less white people's opinions on it. No one seems to give a fuck about skin color except white SOCJUS racists.

They forgot/choose not to drink that kool aid I guess.

It's funny because instead of boycotting the movie, they'll pay to see it and then feel smug while they lecture people why the casting was a mistake.

For once I hope the SJWs win. Fuck Emilia Clarke.

Sup Forums cheers when something awful happens in another white country because they know with every terrorist attack and rape more and more white people become "red pilled"

They become stronger and start to appeal to a larger demographic every time that stuff happens.

You have to be the dumbest probably-Indian I have ever seen online.

>taking Sup Forums seriously


You think most of Sup Forums doesn't jerk of to the idea of germans or swedes or brits dying out?
Are we talking about different Sup Forumss?

>people of colour
That's such a retarded phrase. Right up there with "Black" and "White" people. Anyone who refers to themselves as "Black" when their skin is brown, or "White" when their skin is off white or a very light shade of brown, is fucking retarded.

that's not how it works, i'm not triggered
the whole sjw/anti-sjw thing is totally laughable

But you are saying that people here are triggered because they are complaining about irrelevant tweets nobody cares about.
While you complain about a thread about irrelevant tweets

That is even more irrelevant.
So by your own definition of triggered you are incredibly triggered.

Its just white people getting away with saying colored again.

I don't know why. Nobody black I now prefers it over being called black.
One guy hates it.




Stop acting like Sup Forums is single body, with only one agenda and no differing opinions. It is filled with plenty of differing opinoins. Further more, people who browse one board likely browse other boards, so stop acting like Sup Forums posters only use Sup Forums. You'd be smart to listen to me, if not, then your just another dumb sheep.

If you think the sort of posts like that are genuine and aren't just how men talk to one another you're insane friendo.

Most of what you would consider "hate speech" is banter.

Sup Forums isn't a single person so I'm sure there are some that want other nationalities weeded out but the vast majority are quite supportive of one anothers countries situations.

No you stop acting like Sup Forums is not a hugbox echochamber!

Then how do you categorize people with different skin colors? Show us your perfect system.

I was replying to the guy saying Sup Forums is a single entity that somehow wants to destroy parts of its self. I never said it was a monolithic single idea board or that people that go to Sup Forums only use Sup Forums.

Stop being a faggot user.

>Then how do you categorize people with different skin colors? Show us your perfect system.
Why do you need to?

Unless you are buying makeup in which case a picture of the color would be the best way to communicate.

It just goes to show you that the majority of our society is already too far gone. We are on the verge of a collapse and are degressing.

Saying "white people" are the problem, is no different than saying "niggers" are the problem. You are grouping people together based on a generalization and acting like it applies to all those people because their skin isn't dark enough, or because their skin is dark. It is the same bs.

It is all just another ploy by the elite who understand that their safety is guaranteed if the masses continue to fight with each other. Instead of our higher educated youth protesting on wall street, they want them protesting on social media about entertainment.