Has Trump ever said what his favourite movie is?

Has Trump ever said what his favourite movie is?

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Drumpf of the will.

yes, Citizen Kane.


Trump is a lot like Kane, except that he actually won the presidency.


literally a 2 second google search

Armond White and Donald Trump = Arcpatrician movie reviewers

That's not his favorite movie, it's a movie he liked. His favorite was Citizen Kane.

Trump Tower is A E S T H E T I C af

I wonder what his Rosebud is.

I honestly cant picture him ever even watching a movie. But as a man whose favorite book is apparently the bible, hed probably say Passion of the Christ.

His ex wife said his favorite book is Mein Kampf

Home Alone 2

>his ex-wife
May as well have asked Rosie O'Donell.


So the USA is going to burn in fire at the end?

patrician as fuck

Jesus, just look at that picture.
How is this fucker, who has never held any kind of public office, going to sit with other world leaders and talk to them and not embarrass this country?

Also, goddamn he looks so uncomfortable. Like he would rather be doing anything else. Like he, y'know, didn't think this shit all the way through and didn't realize that being president ain't just gonna be a nonstop series of building walls and blowing up brown people. What a joke.

BACK ON TOPIC: I bet it's something crazy, like A Serbian Film or some shit.

Begone, Bernout

>Jesus, just look at that picture.
>How is this fucker, who has never held any kind of public office, going to sit with other world leaders and talk to them and not embarrass this country?
>Also, goddamn he looks so uncomfortable. Like he would rather be doing anything else. Like he, y'know, didn't think this shit all the way through and didn't realize that being president ain't just gonna be a nonstop series of building walls and blowing up brown people. What a joke.

Right after this Shinzo Abe gave him a private screening if shin godzilla because trump loved the us release so much

do you think he likes Ferengi episodes?

How is a nigger? Or hillary clinton?