Was she a good person?

Was she a good person?

The best.

She was a wild one.

chaotic neutral

moral to men everywhere. a whore can bring down an entire city such is their powerr

She was mentally fucked up from years of sexual abuse committed by a interdimensional rape spirit possessing her dad

She was as good as you can be under those circumstances

Bob needed higher standards

she never had a chance


She really had no redeeming qualities other than looks

was he /ourguy/?

how could they cast the ugliest bitch to the main role? well, she's dead for the most time at least-

she didn't deserve to die.

This really

Laura had the potential to be as good as any average person, but her environment really kinda squashed any opportunity for her to be complete

She did do Meals on Wheels which I suppose is a good thing though

She was good to everyone, even to those who abused her.

She was only bad to herself.

Who was in the wrong here?

I love this comment!!

which one Sup Forums?

i miss the 90s so goddman much

Audrey > Shelly > Donna

yuo mean which order

too good for this earth

here's looking at you, kid

david lynch wouldnt have been able to write in a way for himself to kiss madchen if she played laura

omg me too, upboat if you were born in 1998!!! 90s kdis rules

*and bobby

correct answer

Shit taste

This movie was degenerate

don't care
would bone her ass

if you HAVE to choose and choose anything other than Shelley, cut your cock off

Why is that story arc hated?

trans fox mulder

She was desperatly trying to be one while constantly struggling with the darkness that was taking her life over in the form of Bob/Leland.

>She's dead, wrapped in plastic.

Where are all the black people?

Plenty of black people you racebaiter

In Twin Peaks?


woman in school
woman in hospital
that guy who worked reception. even had a scene with audery

I remember there was more. Still mostly white location, but there was some blacks.

this tb͏h fa͏m

The gym teacher was also black

because it's boring and annoying

Yeah that one I was forgetting. Was a funny scene as well.

Diane best girl

>tfw you will never be an interdimensional rape spirit

Patrician taste

childhood is choosing Shelly, adulthood is realising Audrey is the best girl

Perfect: A saint in the streets, but Satan in the sheets. ;)

She had the greatest question attached to her that unfortunately had a rushed answer.

>interdimensional rape spirit

in twin peaks's prison

Audrey is best girl.

Dubs to confirm.

kys froggo

let me try

In 1950s themed-1990s rural Washington? Hmmm.....

She was a smack rat hooker. She was a terrible person.

>meant to be like 16
>looks like she's in her mid 30s

What was the thought behind this?


The rest shove Audrey's mole up your ass.

shelly and bobby best couple

it was a small town in washington during the 90's

anyone else here didn't like the movie that much?

That's an actual photo of a high-school aged Sheryl Lee.

Who is the best actor

Laura Dern or Sheryl Lee?

I dunno, but I prefer Sheryl Lee based on her work in FWWM alone. Laura Dern is definitely a very talented actress as well.
They're both in S3, so that should be fun.

is there a finalized date on the airing of the new season yet?

She was doing a fuck lot of meth and coke

what does your tummy tell you

chtaw ti repooc

No, as in, there's been no announcement, but it's sometime in the second quarter of the year.

>Not living in a small town with a population of 51,201

Pic related of course

I mean really, you can't miss, but... Audrey.

fuck marry kill

*Shelly and me

f Shelly, m Audrey, k Donna (shit attitude)


but it's the otherway around , Audrey is pretty childish


I haven't seen Sheryl Lee in much, but she does a really solid job in everything I've seen her in.
On the other hand I consider Dern to be one of the best actresses of this era so I gotta give it to her


It gets funnier every time


Bobby Briggs and the Autismo dancing squad

You are wrong and that's OK. Shelly is best girl


Is there director commentary for this? I really want to know how Lynch directed this scene what it means.

hahaha, all these fags still don't realize Denise is best girl. If she is indeed coming back for the revival, she'll be the only one who hasn't aged like milk, but a fine wine.

Also, Nadine second best girl.



I hope so.

was is rape?

I hope in season 3 it turns out that Shelly married Gordon.

There arent thats why its so comfy and safe

Cuckoldry. You can see the deep repressed arousal in Bobby's eyes. Now he knew how Leo felt.

They filled the racial quota with the chink girl.


>Black people
>Rural Washington State town hugging the Canadian border in the early 1990s



Dick Tremayne >>>>>>>>> Andy

Nobody under the age of 25 is even capable of being a good person.

I think you forgot Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris

We 90's thread now.


aw man.

the screenwriters