Go on then Sup Forums

Go on then Sup Forums

makes me want to slam my head against a running chainsaw

Is Monster any good? What's it taste like?
My brother use to drink it I think.


i only know last resort so that one.
I don't drink monster though


I believe it's a lot sweeter than most other drinks, which is why it's so popular.
It's the only energy drink I can tolerate, besides Red Bull but that's fucking expensive. Too bad the reputation is in the gutter.

Do companies really @reply themself? I don't use Twitter but that seems weird

Nvm disregard this

I would rather drink roach killer.

Well, at least Monster knows their audience.

Yeah it's alright but zero ultra is the shit. The Doctor is good too.

only soyboys drink energy drinks


I always thought Monster smelled fucking terrible.

Monster has an insane amount of sweeteners in it

Only LWs can't handle their substances.

>Is Monster any good?
only sips

I can drink one from time to time but even if I do I drink it very slowly because it's too sweet for my taste

The blue one is best

you fags overuse these insults and they're going to become meaningless. Monster is white/ghetto trash-core more than soyboy-core