2006: I like him because he is Johnny Depp!

>2006: I like him because he is Johnny Depp!
>2016: I don't like him because he is Johnny Depp!
What the fuck happened family?

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>people liking Depp in 2006
It's been going downhill since at least the Wonka remake in 2005

in ten fucking years?
A lot, actually

i think he started looking more like indian

Since last Pirates desu senpai

Hated him for years until that lesbian tried to take his money. He's all right by me now, I fuck with JD.

Also Black Mass was good.

>Hated him for years
Care to give the reason why?

He got uglier

Here's the thing: Women only like attractive men.

He raped his wife

Because he was popular. Now that everyone hates him I think he's cool to show how edgy I am.


I'm not a grill and I don't like him too. And I'm able to appreciate chubby men

fuck off then

Shitty movies that sucked ass with him playing himself in every movie.

You werent his audience. Straight men werent flocking to Depp movies for Depp.

Women flocked to him and made him rich for like 20 years, maybe 30.

As soon as his looks started to fade the hyenas started to circle.

>that everyone hates him

Most public opinion sided with Depp instead of the lesbian whore who filed for divorce 2 days after his mother died actually.

I like him.

He's Johnny Depp. He's cool as fuck, undeniably.
It's like saying you don't like Nirvana or something like that... yeah, a lot can be said about the musicianship, the songwriting, the shit cunt fans and all of the other bullshit that's now attached to them, but despite all of that it's just still fucking good at the end of the day.

He's like Keith Richards or Thompson... They're played out, and the fans might piss you the fuck off, but at the core, they're still fucking good. They're pretty much permanent fixtures within their own crafts.

It wasn't Amber who ruined his life, it was him. Johhny should have divoreced with jew in the early 00'

He used to be a "rebel" with his cute rebel looks, now he is an old alcoholic with jaundice and bloated face who will probably die to cirrhosis in a next 3 years

But i really liked him in this. PolaƄski knows how to make kino.

>His looks started to fade
It's Johnny fucking Depp. To chicks, he will always be Johnny fucking Depp. It doesn't even matter what he looks like. He could lose all of his money, go broke, and suffer burns to his face, and he'd still have chicks lining up. Same with Pitt, etc.

>Now that everyone hates him
Amber Heard took most of the heat from the split.
It was only "feminists" and similar types who took her side.


Them getting kidnapped by the australian government and being forced to record a hostage video about rabies

No marriage survives that

Tbqh I kinda liked that movie even though I really like the original as well. But then again I was 12 when Burton's movie came out.

He looks like he's using make-up. Is he?

Of course, he always was.

wtf i hate johnny depp now?!

he started hanging out with that fat faggot manson

This, now he looks just like him.

Guyliner was probably a thing in the generation he grew up in. It was the time of goths and shit, I think.
Also, he's an actor...

10 years in the /r9k/ cubes

He's old as fuck and looks like shit. People don't like old men who try to act young and hip.

Just like him, it got old. The same stale gimmick in a bunch of not very good movies.

he wastes his talent on shit movies

I hate all celebrities and we need to seize the means of production

>what the fuck happened family?
Feminism + Amber Heard is a cunt is what happened.


Thanks for making sure I got a (you) early, I look forward to more.

More and more like Mickey every day...

and yet he still looks better than you. makes you think..


alcohol. and drugs on the down low

ozzy osbourned himself

We reached maximum Depp.

I'm just mad that they didn't cast the guy from The Deathly Hallows as Grindelwald

Has anyone seen that movie where JD's daughter is kidnapped and he's blackmailed into killing some politician, and it's all happening on the same day in the same building? It's a really good movie iirc


Absolutely this. Have a (You).

1) Weight gain
2) New hairpiece is awful
3) Face is puffy from alcoholism

hes fine, all these things are fixable within a month, and he will look the same as he usually does

This happened

1. He got too popular, which led to a backlash.
2. He was popular in part because he was sexy but now he's old and not sexy at all.
3. He's been in a string of really, really shitty movies.

Jon Depp likes to watch his friends die from drug overdoses and just watch and not really do anything about it lol

I believe Keanu Reeves, Joaquin Phoenix and John Frusciante were all present too, you massive faggot

> tfw this movie would have been fucking great if they just dropped the Indian Massacre and LE EBIL WHITE BUSINESSMAN plot.

They literally raise him from the dead, but a guy who eats peoples hearts is too outlandish as a villain? Fuck me. This movie triggers me like nothing else.

the most asinine thing is he took a literal interpretation of an Indian painting that led to that stupid dead crow on head character in the lone ranger.

10 years of him being Johnny Depp.

Do....do you think that actors design their own costumes for films?

is he turning into an uruk hai ? because it sure looks like so

The thing about John Depp is he likes to watch his best friends overdose on drugs and not do anything, just sit there and be high.

He tends to fucked over his long term actors like Helena and Johnny.

I hope he doesn't messed up Eva desu.

nope but let an actor do it and you get this.
