Emma Roberts is a breath of fresh air in an industry dominated by shitty basic brunettes right now

Emma Roberts is a breath of fresh air in an industry dominated by shitty basic brunettes right now.

I'm fucking sick of these nerds casting their oneitis in movies and tv shows. When did that become the popular thing?

what the fuck are you talking about faggot

i would be her pusy slave! she would be a good commandress!

Fuck yes Emma thread time bros

>a breath of fresh air in an industry dominated by shitty basic brunettes right now.

but she's literally a shitty basic brunette

they dont cater to the taste of neckbears.

emma roberts = neckbeard heaven


What the fuck is up with her upper lip? Usually she's attractive as fuck, but what the hell



I wanna fix Emma's lazy eye!


who /comfy/ here

Currently laying in bed lurking this thread. Comfy af.

>lazy eye
what the fuck are you on about?

he means by coming on it

>reading comprehension


and now what are YOU on about?

I hate this place

she's stunning as a blond and as a brunette
literal perfection

I'd like best Em to breathe some fresh air into my dominated industry
if you get my meaning

I want to only be able to breathe from her feet

I want to be shrunk to 4 inches tall and wear a collar around my neck connected by a golden chain to her toe ring!

Literal perfection t b h

did she get a lipjob?


why u guys gotta make it weird

Shit knees. That's it for her.

her only flaw

They are perfect for punching in my balls.



fuck off Bruce


Eat shit, Billy Bob.



I'd fuck Julia Roberts, but not this chick.

I wish I was that painting

Hello Eric, how's work?

you aren't even worthy you little bitch boy

now get down on your knees and open wide

Great. Filmed two movies today and didn't even have to leave my bed.

I like Chanel number 5 more

more like Chanwhale

I like Jamie Lee Curtis and John Stamos.

the last time I saw her she was like 10.

when did she acquire those mammaries?

I know that look. It's the "I want some food right now" look. Probably butter and bread.

You are so funny. What's your name again?

she has weird legs

She gets enough food. It's Emma Roberts that hasn't seen food since she was in 3rd grade.

she has hot teeth

is emma getting her car stolen? should we help?

You're late, he's already deported.

thakn ms skellington


>5'2" / 1.57m

She's a worthless womanlet