Recovering from disease

>recovering from disease
Will 2018 be the year of the Avril?

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That was 2003.

AOTY incoming

Why do child stars have such a high risk of lyme disease?

sleeping with Albertans named Chad is usually the answer.

true. he is a blood sucking tick.


I hope she does something like this

stop posting pics of yourself, sis


Worst hairstyle for Avril.

She will come back with force. She is a fighter and she will kick your ass.

Imagine the taste...

Wrong, it was hot.

Well, out of all the styles she has sported over the years, I like that one the least. Not that I mean it's bad or anything.


Hopefully she makes something better than her last 2 albums, especially her last one

will she start acting like the 40 year old she is?

What was she thinking?

She's only 33, silly.

you know what I mean.

Here's to never growing up!

no, no, it goes never WAKING up, and it was a sum 41 song

Imagine the taste, smell, and flavor...