Am I the only one who liked this?

Am I the only one who liked this?

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I liked it. People will say it's pandering and shallow but I like hot girls in uniform and short skirts fighting nazi zombies and slaying dragons. All backed up by awesome soundtrack. Fucking fight me homos.

Wasn't the dumb ''point'' he was making all about how these fantasies are juvenile and you shouldn't like them?

fuck off reddit


It was.

Back to

it was okay. it already looks dated as fuck though and visuals were the main thing it had going for it

Your mom is dated

sorry zach, better luck next time. 1 day you'll see a fresh rating

I don't think he will work for Disney anytime soon.


It's a great film that unites plebs and patricians against the middle "redditor" class

Plebs loved it for the action and girls

Reditors hated it because they thought it was shallow, pandering, sexist etc.

Patricians loved it because of the subtext and the "suckerpunch" of a story

it must be great to just manufacture your own narrative for reality and interpret any disagreement with it as evidence for it.

Kill yourself, redditor.

It's the best live action anime to date.

>Am I the only one
Literally and unironically fuck off and kill yourself

I liked it.

WW1 setting with diesel powered mechs was a top tier idea and wished for media would expand on it.

>live action anime
You're dumb.

10/10 post-surrealism kino

Nah, I liked it, too.

el reddito

Hello reddltorum, don't you have some Disney movie to watch.

I watched most of them so far my dear Sup Forumsermin friend.
Unlike you I actually watch movies.

Who is that fluid druid?


The director's cut is Kino.One of Snyder best works.Also the CGI and visual effects were top notch.

It's the closest we'll get to a live action mahou shoujo adaptation.


just facts dude,u can hate but it doesn't matter it will still remain a masterpiece.

I feel like it was too many genres for me to enjoy, I would have preferred either a dark story about care facilities, or an adventure movie

Your infantile opinion is not a fact, my boy.

I didn't get it so I hate it

Turned it off after half an hour desu. Does it get better?

As an intelligent person I have to say I am not won over by mindless violence and dressing up girls in cosplay, therefore I hated it



>Q: Can you talk about the design of the robots and the dragon? Was that inspired by Japanese anime?

>ZS: Well yeah, the Mecca especially. You know, we didn’t base it specifically on but I mean he’s inspired by, of course, things like Appleseed and…

>Deborah Snyder: Yeah, very much anime. And also the little charms on her gun.

Tell me this isn't a scene from some anime.

Doesn't make a live action anime.

why would the point of the film be in direct conflict with what is presumably the film's appeal? So it's basically saying "fuck you for enjoying this movie I made"?

No my dear Sup Forumsedditor, that is a scene from those stupid looking video games you love so much.

Yeah, that's why it's a garbage movie. It tries to have its cake and eat it too, and it fails embarrassingly at both. It's idiotic and condescending at the same time. Zack Snyder's worst, and that's saying a lot.

Yeah, I would've like some gritty sanitarium rape or some vajazzled burlesque dance routine. Instead we get cgi dinosaurs because "it's awesome". Fucking americans...

>muh literal interpretation

Get deductive cognitive skills pleb.

There's a woman Snyder?
wth i'm a sexist now

I don't play games, I watch anime a lot and this scene just looked like it was taken right out of Kill La Kill or something.

yes, you're the only one who likes this piece of shit.
Also Emily Browning is bae

You don't know what anime is, don't try to join that shit flick to an artistic medium that is far superior.


Makes sense. A lot of the fight choreography is even blatantly the same.

Erm, no. 90% of anime is literally shit. Just like movies.

dude you're on Sup Forums, literally the lowest common denominator entertainment and index lmao

>I don't play games, I watch anime
Same here, and I don't agree, I'm not going to rewatch the movie to be sure, this movie triggered the shit out of me.

Still better than suckerpunch.

>Sup Forums
Get the fuck out.

I hope so.

its by far the best videogame movie ever made
and it has The sexiest Elf i have ever seen in it

>Sup Forums
Kill yourself.

That was fucking awful.

Then again even chemotherapy is better than suckerpunch.

Hey, if you don't like it here, you can get out.

>its by far the best videogame movie ever made
Huh, no. Even the Uwe Boll videogame movies are better than this shit.

yeah if you're a tasteless little homogayfaggot

It's saying that women who refuse to embrace the inherent psychological advantage that sex appeal brings to the game are stupidly putting themselves at a disadvantage.

"Equality" does not mean "the same."

Start at 30:01 and find out, friend. :^)

I like it too. I don't understand why it got panned.

>this accusation
>coming from a closet cocksucker that likes being promised titillation and getting green cgi samurais instead
>made by a faggot that directed the world's most popular (un?)intentionally gay movie (300)
The only taste you know of is Snyder's cock.

>If I pretend to hate good movies, everyone will think I'm patrician

>If I pretend to like bad movies, everyone will think I'm patrician

Fuck off, shitstain.

I watched this movie twice
First time I was high as fuck and pretty tired
I literally fell asleep then woke up when the loud noises came about and watched the awesome music videos
Once my high wore off, I feel asleep through the rest of the movie

Watched it again years later and skipped all the non music video parts

Back to redit, faggot.

The music parts were the worst parts.

Go to back bed

Fuck off to Sup Forums, shitposter.

The music parts were for the masses, the other scenes were for the 190+ IQ patricans


Unlike you I've never been there, newfag

Don't talk to me you filth, cannibalizing good songs just because he thinks they sound cool and using them out of context, was his worst sin, for the first time in my life I was triggered.

Bob "Moviebob" Chipman aka The Game Overthinker liked it

Fuck you too :3

Oh look, an oldfag, he has been here the whole summer.

I liked it.

Having the bus driver at the end instead be an orderly helping the girls escape would have made the movie a lot better and the bad guy going cartoonishly evil was stupid. Other than those two things, I had no real complaints.

I saw it in a nightclub once. I mean I didn't hear any of the dialogue but it looked pretty cool

I had to write about this movie for a psychology class, weirdly enough. It was okay like a really long music video.

was she charging a queef?


I don't know what answer.

>m4 isn't OHK against helmet
>deagle is
>Tec9 at close range is

>no real complaints


Sauce on this chick pls.

Stop fooling yourself, you didn't like it!

I didn't???

>this scene looks like it was taken right out of an anime that came after the scene was shot




Literally redit the flick.

Yes you stingy fuck, stop making kinos and just pay the critics you fucking joke

Clarify what he meant by citing the "suckerpunch of a story" line.

You can't, can you, pleb?


no. why is this board full of people who dont seem to undertand simple concepts in movies.

the fantasies they played out were a way of coping with trauma and depression in their real lives. its exactly the same thing as pan's labryinth.

>its exactly the same thing as pan's labryinth

I'm the only person on earth who figured out Sucker Punch AMA. It is one of the best movies of all time.

>the fantasies they played out were a way of coping with trauma and depression in their real lives.

This is it. Babydoll overcomes the guilt of accidentally killing her sister by imagining herself to be extremely competent with a gun (ie. she could not have accidentally killed her sister).