Yeah my favorite artists are like... kanye, sufjan stevens, ajj. phil elverum too he's such a genius

>yeah my favorite artists are like... kanye, sufjan stevens, ajj. phil elverum too he's such a genius

Haha looks like my dad. Some good shit OP keep it up.

How do you grow a beard and not look utterly starved of testosterone? I think if this guy took off the sam hyde glasses he would look better but idk.


it's because his beard is obnoxiously trimmed which kills any hint of masculine qualities that come with a beard. also he's making the quintessential nu male facial expression (pursed lips, raised eyebrows)

It's just a facial feature thing. Most guys will never pull it off.

it's all about your mannerisms and body language. it's amazing how much you can tell from just this one image of the dude

Do you homos even know how testosterone works

His fault is that the beard is too well groomed, so that it has effectively become a fashion accessory. That’s not what a beard is meant to be.

A beard is naturally the end result of having stopped caring about grooming, and is supposed to look a little unkempt and dirty.

When will soyboys learn?

>his beard is obnoxiously trimmed
What did he mean by this?

The most masculine beards are in fact the ugliest ones which is kind of funny. Go to a black metal show and it’s all pubey neckbeards but like that’s just what the musicians have so I mean whatever

You homos really don't know that shit can have multiple purposes.
>A beard is naturally the end result of having stopped caring about grooming
>Unkempt and dirty

You can tell he is a leftist just by looking at him

he is the DSA personified

Yeah, good point. Say what you will about Baby Boomers, but Baby Boom / hippie dads with beards didn't look like this. They looked fatherly / like men.

It's these reddity, 'geek culture'-y, vaguely queer mannerisms that make these types of bearded guys look so fucking lame and toothless. Also I just think their overall mentality coming across, like they're the type of person scanning something for ways it might be 'problematic' while at the same time reminding themselves to lift their eybrows and widen their eyes for the next cheerful, upbeat facebook / instagram pic.

I don't know. I actually have several friends and acquaintances who are kind of like these guys, as in relatively left, sometimes bearded, intellectual types. Although I tend to click with the ones who have more dignity and spine and don't exactly carry themselves like this.

I don't hate it with a passion like Sup Forums does, it's more just a "why would a guy present himself that way, have some dignity dude" feeling, while actually having some sympathy because I understand a lot of them, while understanding the other side too.

literally looks like a regular guy

um sweetie have you even heard of the Mountain Goats? they're like john green's favorite band

Who's John Green

author and pioneer of soyboy lit

cityboi detected

No they aren't
Disgusting pubey neckbeards are a sign of weakness.

Last time I checked JG wasn't literature
What's soyboy lit
what's that

This picture is physically painful to look at.

t. well-groomed numale

I grew up in hick country and moved to Vancouver and let me tell you, the difference is night and day.

Damn nice beard

>implying Sup Forums isn't 90% soyboys

underrated post

This comment shows just how well these soyboys have infiltrated our consciousness, where they've just become seen as "regular guy"s

What's really odd about the guy and people that look that way is that there is a thing about their demeanor that is trying to look harmless and sensitive but at the same time, weirdly, you don't really see any actual love in there, and they actually look subtly really mean and nasty underneath the facade, like you just know they're the type of people who would throw people under the bus for absolutely nothing.

It's in the eyes. He has his eyebrows raised and eyes opened in a way to look cheerful and nice but when you actually accurately read his eyes they just look empty and judgemental and fearful and resentful and ready to critique you and anyone else for the slightest detail.

>Suck cock
>Get testosterone

>soyboys have infiltrated our consciousness

Lol it's cute how you try to suggest this idea that consciousness and selfhood is like this porous thing which of course (you) can infiltrate and manipulate. If things were this helpless we would literally all just be in some North Korea-level of social conditioning without any room to consider different sides of all the messages and stimuli coming at you.

But no, see, people filter their input and pick and choose what they align with and what they don't, and they have a type of immune system that can spot the shifting attempts of different varieties of outside entities trying to infect or coerce them. Subjectivity has a willfulness and choice.

So I know that that disappoints your scary stalker fantasies of just creeping on people to a degree that you can totally manipulate them through suggestion to be what you'd like but in fact all you end up doing is putting extra energy into the display and projection of your own desires and intentions and what that all says about you and your secret fears, resentments and motivations.


god i knew guy who looked like that. biggest faggot i've ever met, it's like these people's only area of self confidence is they can grow a beard.

I didn't read any of your reddit spaced bullshit

You can tell he's a small man with a very weak jawline and a baby face. The beard is there to hide it.

Yep. That dude is all around round

Yes you did. The truth is that you desperately, jealously want to know everything I have to say. You secretly admire and worship me - you know damned well I'm a figure of fascination and genius - which is what enrages you, so you lash against this fact in perpetual existential agony

Is this what y'all do?

Interesting to see different people's ideals of the phantasm of masculinity.

t. weak cuckold soyboy numale

>phantasm of masculinity
How long have you been waiting for the opportunity to say that? I wouldn't even limit the difference to whether or not a full grown man looks like a pushover, but you could say that even women are more "masculine" in the country, although by way of having more agency than sexual secondary characteristics than the average city dude.

People really turn out differently when they have tons of space and there is tons of old shit you can get just to fuck around with because there isn't anyone else around to buy it. Even the quiet, nerdy dudes don't fit the stereotype because everyone's fit from farmwork and fucking around outdoors.

The quintessential numale face is the one eyebrow raised expression

I finally figured out what puts me off so much about numales
They're like women walking around in male skin. They act like women post-op.

> the country
No no no and no

>than the average city dude
t. redneck

city dudes are scrawny pussies

Even rednecks aren’t as insecure as autists that go on tangents

What is a “city dude” to begin with? People that live in cities? People that go to work there and drive/bus/bike it back home? How much would account for a “city dude”? What about people that spend months working from place to place?

look at his mustache, its trimmed far to low from his nostrils and yet too high from his upper lip he also trimmed the fuck out of the sides of his beard

Yes, dudes that live in cities. Don't worry, you're probably not a city dude.

having fun paying $2000+ a month to live in what is essentially a shoebox with rats and roaches inside

>Says ajj instead of Andrew Jackson Jihad

you were close here, you need either a question mark at the end or change "having" to "have"

You were close here too. A comma is not used as a period.

at least you didn't deny it

>everyone I see named Anonymous is the same person
don't do this

what's "regular" is changing

you came to the defense of some cityfag so yeah it applies to you to.


he sure fits the criteria of the taste of the SOYBOY.

This is a mess and every time someone tries to make a rounded soyboy canon it's always too repetitive like this is.

how should regular guys look?

>effeminate pop
>whispery "sad" folk
>suburban rap
>commercial neutered "rock"

covers most of the bases

this is such low fucking effort

how much soy did you drink to write out all this shit ?

As far as fashion goes, this is what I think, don't get triggered. If you want to dress like a self respecting human being, don't wear:
>non-iron shirts
>pin-rolled jeans (grow the fuck up)
>short sleeve sweatshirts of any kind (yes they exist)
>levi's not made in america
>casual shirts without button-down collars
>any sneakers outside of low top, high end leather ones OR running shoes specifically worn for athletic reasons
>low-rise jeans
>you honestly shouldn't give a rat's ass about any avant-garde fashion (rick owens especially) let alone buying it outside of artistic, cultural and historical context
>oversized anything
>sweaters not made of merino or cashmere
>peacoats instead of duffles
>black coats in general
>cotton socks
>non-polarized sunglasses
>crewneck undershirts
>skinny jeans/pants
>streetwear past the age of 20 (supreme, bape, obey, fear of god, etc.)
>synthetic leather anything (special place in hell for people who do this)
>cap-toed shoes/boots
>trench coats

why's dna always on shit bait charts like this

good lord this is alot of fashion etiquette, its almost like it was made for women

My uncle looks like the beefed up high test version of this guy, but he still has the same general beliefs and ideals and mannerisms as you would expect the guy in OP's pic to have.

Because he grew it out as a halfway attempt to "invisibly" confront the insecurity around his masculinity without outwardly showing that he wants to be masculine. He probably thinks that just having a beard is inherently masculine, too.

/fa/ggots go away
You know what? Everybody just walk around in your underwear or naked

>black coats

this nigga looks like he'd compare jordan peterson speeches to hitler and say things like "you are creating a toxic space for our holistic learning community"

>He probably thinks that just having a beard is inherently masculine, too.


why the fuck is this so common nowadays? hurr, i have le epic beard im so masculine

Above all else, it's his expression. he has this retarded facial expression that all these dudes do for some reason.

desu it seems like terms like numale and soyboy are just new shitposting ways to describe nerdy guys now
I guarantee half the thread looks like this guy

>don't get triggered.
One job.

It is partially just a "chad calling the nerds gay" type of thing. But there's more to it.

you probably dress like some faggot with his head up his ass coming up with so many restrictions there's literally nothing wrong with anything you listed except for maybe synthetic leather and streetwear since thats a cancerous trend.

> But there's more to it.
Yeah, it's a Sup Forums thing too with SJWs etc, sure
Interesting to note it's always a white guy getting ragged on

most of that stuff is the polar opposite of /fa/

do you have anything concrete to put forward with that?

>peacoats instead of duffles


How do I get my beard to not look like a pile of pubes?

>wants people to wear leather sneakers
the dude is a MORON

I don't see hats on this list. What types of hats are bad?

>polar opposite
This is exactly what they wear

So it’s nerds calling other nerds gay?
Shampoo and condition it like the hair on your head


how long since you've been on /fa/? they've been making fun of that reddit dadcore stuff for years now

just another thread where a bunch of insecure kids project hard as fuck cuz they're afraid of looking a certain way.

get this, even if you look and talk like op's pic, as long as you have a pleasant personality, you CAN have friends, relationships, success, and more

also seems to be quite the BUGMAN, surely with the taste to match

^ this nigga looks like he'd come up with irrelevant strawman arguments like an idiot and shill his waifu jordan peterson

okay but im not asking for your aesthetic. "regular guys" will always be regular guys-- they aren't going to be some elites of the fashion vanguard. they aren't going to go through the tireless self-excoriation of continuously updating their preferences to differentiate themselves from everyone else. the need for you guys to constantly create masculine norms-- the right way to be a guy, the right way to have a beard, the right music to listen to-- is totally tedious. its some inane armchair sociology, its hipsterism writ large,

but more importantly:
>crewneck undershirts

what, is your mother buying your clothes?

To a fucking tee other than Swans and Grips (but I understand putting those on to piss people off)
In my music scene every one of these mutants beats each other off over the most bland commercial indie out, plus a handful of ironic "black" albums to show how not racist they are
The only guy who didn't write off DG as meme shit explained to me that the penis on No Love Deep Web was a genius feminist statement because it "delegitimized the toxic masculine power associated with the penis"

>In my music scene

are you referring to an actual scene or just to your faggot social circle

not the user above but thats a really vanilla and predictable list of what not to wear. This list has been the epitome of blandboy fashion since clothing has existed.

Agree with most of this but you look like a huge tool if you're wearing your MFAcore fits to casual settings. A t-shirt and jeans is perfectly fine to wear to class or to hang out with friends. Hell, you'll still be in the upper percentile since 90% of normies wear giant frat shirts and cargo shorts.

That last bit is almost valid, Zach did an interview where he talked about the cover and he mentioned it was partially about breaking the social stigma of a benis on an album cover and the way it is viewed.

>my music scene

can we get a chart to tease faggots who say shit like this?
