Someone finally said it


Other urls found in this thread:


this premise is actually racist toward brown fans of taylor swift.

>poetry is valuable
will they never learn

Well TS "music" isn't poetry to begin with so that's that
I mean if you're fourteen and enjoy her music I'm not going to shit on you; things might pass

Nevermind. (inb4 they delete it)


Some people are replying that this is ironic.
But it's the fucking internet, no one can fucking tell on the internet.

>darkies literally cannot handle listening to music if it's not an echo-chamber for them
the absolute state

its literally a quote from an article on p4k

its not ironic

>tfw your body is not worthy of poetry

what in the fuck does this even mean


Jesus Christ.

I want to die.

What the fuck has any of this special snowflake nonsense meant?
It's been nearly 2-3 yrs of continous drivel from these idiots.

And now they've ruined pitchfork... more.

>Take, for example, her obsession with eyes. Nearly every Taylor Swift album uses eyes as symbols of intimacy and beauty. Her debut single “Tim McGraw,” released in 2006 when Swift was 16, describes her own blue eyes as more beautiful than the stars of Georgia. “State of Grace,” a single off 2012’s Red, establishes a kinship between Swift and her partner based on their “twin fire signs/four blue eyes.” In 1989’s “I Know Places,” she can tell a lover’s eyes are green even in the dark. Reputation’s best single, “Gorgeous,” mentions “ocean blue eyes.” Swift has only swooned over brown eyes in her lyrics once, in Speak Now cut “Superman.” Consuming Swift’s music as a brown person, then, can mean implicitly accepting that your body is not worthy of poetry. It means projecting the specifics of your life onto a line about “mosaic broken hearts” and then being jolted to the realization that it’s not actually about your heart or your love or your eyes.

>why won't a person with blue eyes talk about eyes she doesn't have


poo eyes btfo

Just say the music is shit, which is a matter-of-fact. The fact that it's made by a pasty woman who may or may not be a psycho isn't relevant

as a brown person, what?

>author is literally some angry poo in loo

Probably written by some heeb or a bitter undesirable. Wh*tes make me sick tho don't get me wrong

but they can relate to selling crack and gunning down cops right?

Does this person realize that white people can have brown eyes too?


She's an utter moron.

But Taylor's dated a bunch of guys with brown eyes.

So ebin my fwend!

Now that's the face of true diversity! Dark brown is the future!!! Literally everyone will look exactly the same. I fucking love diversity :D

This kind of shit is just "the Queen of England is actually a shape-shifting reptilian lizard from outer space" levels of motivated reasoning applied to identity politics

The royal family are satanic lizards though.

Yes and Taylor Swift is a supporter of the KKK, the evidence is just as clear

>Taylor Swift is a supporter of the KKK
Probably not, desu. There's no reason to be because they don't do anything anymore.

imagine being a person like this and unironically telling people that you're a professional writer

>Be Taylor Swift
>Get rich young as fuck making music for kids
>realize this is your life now
>Work hard as fuck to avoid controversy and maintain an unbiased celebrity.
>SJW's pollute the earth
>PC culture gives their actions and opinions influence
>SJWs realize they can manipulate celebrities to do their bidding and push their agenda
>Taylor Swift isn't playing along
>say she's racist because she's not spreading political propaganda and virtue signalling
>It starts to gain traction.

I feel bad for her....why the fuck does it matter if a blonde popstar doesn't want to get political?

It's just kind of funny that she brands herself as this stout, strong feminist but recoils when people call her out for the Hillary thing. I dislike Hillary as a person, but you can't be fiercely political and apolitical at the same time. That's mostly why certain people are calling her out at all.

Racism is bad but your race must dictate everything you think, say, and do.

Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
>Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
>Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
>Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
>Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.
>Daily reminder Taylor Swift posts on Sup Forums.

that was debunked ages ago retard.
moot said the timestamps were fake and there's atleast 3 obvious photoshops there

No ableism on Sup Forums.
This board is a safespace

fucking this


>Consuming rap music as a white person can mean implicitly accepting that you are not worthy of poetry
>"nigger, nigger, nigger"

>That's mostly why certain people are calling her out at all.
No it's not.


>you can't be fiercely political and apolitical at the same time.
For someone like Taylor Swift, being apolitical IS about as political as you can get.

Even the normiest of normies are shitting on Pitchfork now. I can't believe it.

Politics is a big circle. If you push too far to the extreme left eventually you start sounding just like the extreme right - except in reverse (in this case, white becomes black/brown.)

Go to bed, Taylor

This is the worst pitchfork article I've seen yet. Like holy shit. They've really gone off the deep end drinking the identity politics kool-aid.

Okay. Elabourate and provide some evidence since you're so certain about your opinion.
