Who came out the worst in all this?

Who came out the worst in all this?

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Sup Forums

Either Maher or Oliver

Maher and his guest literally laughed at the prospect of Trump being president

Same with Oliver

>Maher, before, laughed at Trump being president
>Laughed at anyone who thought it was possible, like Ann Coulter on his show
>Trump wins months later
>guys, we lost. We need to change up our formula if we are going to win in 4 years. No more being nice! Also let's give Trump a chance pls stop bully (I don't want to look like a hypocrite pls forget anything I said in the past)
What a booty blasted kike. I never Oliver's show before Trump won so I can't comment.

I think John Stewart was aware that Trump could become Prez and stayed in the shadows like a smart jew, he even gave a very somber interview about President Trump and the current state of politics without SJW hysteria.

Oliver has been great asset for Trump.

Oliver literally begged Trump to run in 2013 because he thought it was funny and he would never win.

Then a few weeks ago was "it's not funny just drop out and save yourself the embarassment"

The post election was anal blasted and blew up 2016

The American people and the world in general.


BAKA white people. Are we getting 4 years of this?


No, 8.

The young turks by far

the American people

How the hell could he do that "THIS COUNTRY ISN'T YOURS!" speech if he had good predictions? pol is overly sensitive when a liberal celebrity gives their opinion but that speech was ten times as bad as most famous people

They've always hated Hillary.

I couldn't have liked Colbert any more during the Colbert Report and after this election I couldn't respect him any less. And yes I realized the Colbert Report was satire. He is by far the biggest loser in my eyes. This moment will go down in history as the most over the top poisonous garbage of the year in late night.


going from the smuggest of liberals to blowing up the current year was quite a downfall


Trump, honestly.

nigga don't know the first thing about running a country

Who would? I suppose a governor , but Hillary wasn't one either

The American People

Yea I was a big fan of the Colbert Report when it first came out.

It's difficult to be funny when you are constantly shilling for a politician/political party.

It's hard to believe that this is the same late show he took over from Letterman.


the hard working, honest people, as usual.
would have been the same with hillary.

She was the First Lady and had some idea on how politics works within the White House since she was more into going into politics than any other First Lady. I hate the bitch but she had more knowledge of the ins and outs of the White House than almost any other.

What are some films about triggered presidents?


>She was the First Lady and had some idea on how politics works


>Who came out the worst in all this?

The United States Of America


>Maher and his guest literally laughed at the prospect of Trump being president
That's not true though, he's literally been saying for the past couple months Trump could win. Not to mention Michael Moore literally called Trump winning on his show, and Maher agreed.

I dont get what you're saying, giving him a chance is the proper way. At least he isnt as buttblasted as oliver who literally destroyed a cartel of the year 2016

She was also secretary of state,

The working people who believe Trump or any politician can fix anything.

you don't own NOTHING, goyim!

remember the 6 trillion!


Please go back, redditors.

Yup. He's already backed down from everything he said and plans to put all the people he called incompetent in positions of power.

Trump didn't even think the public would be dumb enough to vote for him. He was wrong. Now he's putting in the same old fags he ran down in hopes they'll make him look smart.

It'll be 4 years of absolutely nothing happening other than embarrassment.

You are clearly under the age of 21 and have a cursory understanding of American politics.

The hilarious thing is that even though he's adopted more liberal positions the liberals will still act like he's one decaf coffee away from being literally Hitler.

$6 billion went mysteriously missing while she was SoS

And it's amazing that Sup Forums redditors keep cheering him on while he's going to be the same as Obama.

Colbert put on cat-ears and said he was a sexy kitty

Obama was a puppet nigger, Trump self funded and is owned by no one. Suck a dick dumb shit

She was also acquitted of obstruction of justice after deleting emails that were under subpoena, on the basis that she was too incompetent to know what she was doing.


So he's also T. Boone Pickens? He put up a couple million of his own money. The rest is from super pacs.

On the basis there was no crime, you mean.

He spent $60 million out of pocket. Stay mad libshit

Let's see you be acquited after destroying congress sanctioned evidence

Lies. It's surprising that Clinton's staff still paying you to shill even after the american people rejected her.

Their not. He's one of the idiots who fell for ctrs rhetoric and doesn't understand why he never gets threads full of support for it anymore

Trips confirm

I always knew Stephen Colbert was an act

I always knew he was actually liberal

But he didn't used to be a fucking shill, you know? He could have fun with John McCain. He could laugh with Bill O'Reilly. He gave shit to George W. Bush, but he also gave shit to John Kerry.

It's just this cycle right here where he suddenly went "REPUBLICANS GET OUT REEEEEEEEEE"

On the basis that she's a doddery old grandma who can't into computers.

She's not in prison right now because she's either horrifically corrupt (the most likely explanation) or horrifically incompetent (her own defence). Either of those should disqualify her from running for president.

Goog job they didn't, because the Dems would've then put forward someone who would beat Trump (literally anybody else). Great work Democrats, you did absolutely everything necessary for Trump to win. Republicans could've nominated a literal elephant and it would've won.

Wow, it is almost like he is actually a reasonable person and not the monster libshits are making him out to be.

I knew he would have to do election material given the timing of his move to CBS, but it was still disappointing to see him get so worked up about it. I don't think I would've minded it as much if he hadn't copied the dumb stunts Glenn Beck pulled months before.

>It's hard to believe that this is the same late show he took over from Letterman.
Holy shit I had no idea

He's still right, mate. The Donald lost popular vote.

This, insecure babies need to make political threads on Sup Forums.

The americans.

Hillary was the most experienced candidate to date, right? First hand experience when Bill was President, was a Senator, then Madam Secretary of State, has experience in practicing law...

Meanwhile Trump needs tutoring from the guy he claimed was the worst president in history and has no idea what you're actually suppose to do as President, like appoint a cabinet and staff.

because a president who flip flops on any given issue is good for the country, right?

just because you self funded doesnt mean youre not in the pocket of the same people that other presidents got money from

no 8 years of shitlib crying about trump

btw trump won :D

i seriously hope they continue shilling for their liberal audience, it's put them that much more out of touch with reality and an easy win for 2020

based on CNN right now, safe to say they're not changing

I don't understand the Young Turks

They made a video that got millions of views specifically called 'This Should Cost Hillary The Election' with her calling niggers super predators, then they have a meltdown when she loses?


obviously they wanted Jill to win.

Pence already purged all the lobbyists from transition team

>Yup. He's already backed down from everything he said
Seriously? What did you expect, it's like if I said to you: I'm gonna get you a girlfriend, I'm going to make you rich and you wont need to use captcha on Sup Forums ever again.
You voted for me but never asked how exactly am I going to accomplish any of those things, and the next day you read in the news that I hired the guys from 9gag to run the site.

It does mean that though

the ones that correctly blame the out-of-touch nature of the left this election, as well as the democratic party's blatant maneuvering to fuck over bernie, will be fine. it's time to fight hard to restructure the american left, because clearly it's total shit if we can't beat donald fucking trump.

All of them.

The incredible thing about Trump's victory is that he essentially had the entire mainstream media against him.

The overwhelming power of popular culture was defied. I don't think there's a man or woman who could have survived such an onslaught other than Trump.

I'm not even a particularly huge fan of DJT, but his victory is admirable.

When you realize the election became about likability and personality rather than issues and answers to them, it makes sense.

Or an epic liar who will say anything to anyone to get his way.

Hey, holy shit maybe he was also lying about making America great again and giving every American the exact job they want at the salary they chose. Maybe he was lying about winning so much people would be sick of winning.

Trump will actually be a good president though
Wallstreet is extremely bullish on him and finally expecting to see active fiscal policy put in action instead of this central bank monetary bullshit we've been getting


Every single person that isn't white

The sooner you thick headed burgers understand these two things don't go together, the better.

90% old fucks who will die in


Well it's not like we can go discuss this stuff on Sup Forums, that would make us RACIST!

You can discuss it wherever you want, except here.

i'm not really sure what you're trying to say here, are you implying the "left" is interchangeable with "the democratic party"? or that "liberal" is not interchangeable with the political "left"?

Thanks for correcting the record.

Well Oliver and Maher probably come out "best" in that they will be the ones who lead satirical/youth outreach arm of the democrat's opposition, the same way Colbert and Stewart did during the Bush years.

Noah is basically toast, but he has been for a while. Colbert and Meyers are part of a dying medium and needless politicization of their shows has only hastened their demise. The networks want to cast a wide net, and in Trump's America those two are doing anything but that.

Maher has his own thing going.

Liebowitz quit the game, but he's had the most measured reaction to Trump's win by far.


>CTR is still, or was ever, a thing

Hillary is a political pariah, everyone hates a loser. Doubly so for an incompetent one.


I was going to say Maher because he presents himself the most seriously, probably has the most reputation, and the most adult audience.

didn't include stewart cus he doesn't have a show

Yeah that's dumb. But do you not recall how many fucking times black people mentioned obama and we president now etc?

anyway it rarely happens on trump side and iwll die off very soon onbviously

What he is trying to say is that the liberals are just a faction of the right wing.

ACtually from what I've seen a lot of trump voters didn't like the madman at first, they liked either his policies or they didn't like the way he was attacked all the time. His voter base is the a dirty dozen style affair, it's pretty awesome to see.

allow me to head to the supermarket for some tinfoil.

Pretty sure I saw this exact post on r/politics during my last mental self-flagellation exercise.

Why is it so hard to accept the truth?

holy shit, r/politics is basically a milquetoast liberal version of Sup Forums. fuck this political bubble shit, drives me bonkers to know a significant portion of the american populace get fed opinions and hot-takes as their only source of news.

Only Rosie O'donnell

Oliver dared Trump to run, saying he'd donate to Trump's campaign not because he'd win but because it would be funny. His response to the win was to blow up the year 2016 (which was the greatest irony since Oliver is Mr. Current Year).

Stewart probably had the best response since he called out liberals on their hypocrisy of going "not all Muslims are bad" but "all Trump supporters are racists." Hopefully, more people follow his lead and the whole "us vs them" thing dies out, but I have a feeling that's not the case and they're just going to double-down on it and further divide people and drive them to Trump and the "alt-right."

Hillary is still paying you guys?

>"trump said bad things the media says so!"
>media lied
>"trump is breaking his promises now the media says so!"
>media is still lying, it's all "unnamed sources" bullshit