Waste Oscar speech lecturing about climate change

>waste Oscar speech lecturing about climate change
>next year all climate change research will lose funding and renewable energy measures rolled back

Karma's a bitch, eh Leo?

Did you know Mark-Paul Gosselaar was dead? I didn't until now.

Let's be real, he only does it for the pussy

Girls love treehuggers

this. leo couldn't be any more transparent.

oh just wait before he becomes president too

>rich and famous actor
>needing to do anything for pussy

I don't think you know what karma is

He's thinking about the future when his looks go

Besides it will make it easier to convince those 10/10 models he is with to swallow and rim if they worship his bleeding heart

user I know this feeling. Best thing I can tell you is to get a feel for your GF and see if she'd ever be okay with getting into freaky sex. If not you're only other option is going to therapy and trying to fundamentally change yourself. Otherwise you need to realize that there will be a part of yourself that you will never be able to share with her. As the relationship grows, this is going to become more of a problem and harder to fix. Think about that for a second. Find someone who shares your kink and you can be completely honest with or change. Trying to bury it and ignore it does not go well.

Maybe he talks about climate change because he's genuinely worried about it

Most women worship unapologetic alpha conservatives, not hippies.

The only thing his bleeding heart will get him is friendzoned.

>Most women worship unapologetic alpha conservatives

That must be why you guys are fighting 'em off with a shitty stick.

I find it odd that Sup Forums actually believes this

Maybe that'd be true in rural counties but he lives in California, specifically in LA

>He's thinking about the future when his looks go
>actually thinking rich men need to worry about this

>Karma's a bitch, eh Leo?


I can't wait til we get ruined by climate change they could have prevented or lessned.

>renewable energy measures rolled back
I get the lack of climate change funding (they're basically getting free money to tell everyone what everyone already knows) but solar/geothermal and other renewable shit works just fine.
Aside from america and its Israeli oil masters, nearly every other country in the world is perfectly happy with ditching fossil fuels in place of something cleaner.

>I find it odd that Sup Forums actually believes this

You'd feel differently if you saw their group pic.

Sup Forums believes whatever makes them feel less like worthless losers

Because the president elect and GOP are in the pockets of the fossil fuel companies who want the US to say reliant on their industries. Renewable energy threatens their monopoly so they want to prevent it.

He's literally swimming in it, he doesn't need to do anything. He's just a bored Hollywood actor trying to find something to keep him busy.

t. cuck

Liberals are the worst offenders for worshiping conservative white dick. Get them alone and all feminists, environmentalists and "rights activists" want to hop right wing cock

Sup Forums aren't worthless losers. they are just redpilled beta males with no outlet for their angst. they will have no trouble finding some gold digging whore later in life since they are much less likely to fall for the non-STEM major meme.

>Liberals are the worst offenders for worshiping conservative white dick. Get them alone and all feminists, environmentalists and "rights activists" want to hop right wing cock

Damn you sound like a real pussyslayer

Right on time.

>falling for the carbon jew

>calls other cucks
>post blacknwhitecomics

>Liberals are the worst offenders for worshiping conservative white dick.

shit user you can't even get that right

"redpilled" literally just means "blame everyone else for your problems like a little bitch, but act smug about it"

My adventures in hooking began when the Internet was still a new thing, so it was street walkers or literally the back page of certain newspapers, I was too afraid to use streetwalkers. Since then I've fucked hundreds of hookers, all races, all ages, a few trannies. Somehow never caught anything or got robbed
Beware, as user said it is addicting. On a few occasions when I wasn't in my own town, I bought a burner, then get the girl into Max Hardcores"stovepipe" position shoulders down ass in the air leaning against the bed, me standing and dunking my cock in, then ripped off the condom and blew on her face aiming for the eyes and hair. I'd also make sure to watch where she put my money when I paid, while she was cleaning up, I stole my money back plus whatever she had
Did this 5-6 times best haul $800
The rush from that was insane.

this comic is Sup Forums incarnate

no that's just what whiny liberal cucks think it means because they lack the emotional maturity to understand and disregard the overton window, i.e., what being redpilled actually means

Case in point.

>but I'm a nice guy
You're not actually. You're an asshole and no one likes you.

The illustrator is shit and his message comes across as jaded as fuck. I cringe every time I see these comics

>Sup Forums aren't worthless losers. they are just redpilled beta males

Oh how the narrative is changing.

Take the iron pill supplement to your red pill diet and you too shall save Europa.

>"redpill comics"

where in that post did I blame someone else for my problems? it's not my problem you are too emotionally fragile to venture outside your bubble. I am happy to consider all arguments from liberals. the opposite doesn't apply.

So they're worthless losers. Got it.

is it cus your an emotional faggo

A little jaded, sure, but still pretty truthful though.

This is great comedy.

>I cringe
not an argument
not an argument
I guess you could argue that but it doesn't make it true. I'd rather be a beta male with a STEM degree than a Bernvictim protesting for $15 minimum wage out of his cardboard box.

>it's not my problem you are too emotionally fragile to venture outside your bubble

That must be why you can't stop pissing and whining about it.

I'm replying to the retards in this thread. You act like I enjoy conversing with you turds.

He's going to call you a "cuck" or something now for pointing out what a whiny impotent bitch he is.

>whiny impotent bitch

lmao that couldn't apply any more to a modern liberal than it does today


lmao basement dweller

>In this moment, I am euphoric...

yes because as we all know, Sup Forums is known for being full of liberal atheists


And he misses the point entirely.

I don't think you know what karma means

t. small dicked compensator

it's easy to do when you don't actually make any

>hurr fedora
>durr loser

>instantly prove him right

Because there is no group of bigger whiners than Sup Forums. They sit in their safe space and cry and cover their ears whenever an opposing opinion appears, and whinge endlessly about what poor little victims they are, everyone is just so unfair to them, blub blub.

But they're totally alpha and tough while doing it you know.

again, your inability to actually understand Sup Forums is not my problem