Opinions on this album?

Opinions on this album?


best way to spend 22 minutes. very efficient.

Created the cancer known as pop punk

It’s an album
I think it’s punk
No sure though I’ll check back with you on that

One of the best punk albums of all time

It's good, but I Don't Want to Grow Up is superior

So good. Bikeage is awesome

I like it, it's good.

>i'm not like the other punk albums


Punk isn't really my thing but I liked it. 3.5/5

Still love it.


""""""""""punk"""""""""" fans on suicide watch

I can deal with proto-pop-punk like Descendents, but right around The Vandals and Bad Religion it loses me, and Nofx and Pennywise > Lawagon > Guttermouth > Offspring is disgusting tier.

I think I only like the early California hardcore, some of the suburban stuff, and the crossover trash stuff. Otherwise I guess I like art stuff like Wipers a bit.


*crossover thrash

it was definitely aiming for "punk for normies" but still has its roots firm enough in punk that it's reasonably palatable

Thing about pop punk is that I can only stomach it either when it is still of the kind of status that you describe, OR when it's SO beyond fake that it's just a bratty bubblegum music at that point, like Blink 182. The kind of inbetween status that most of it has though where it's fake shit but still postures like it's punk and has a message, or that it's supposedly actually 'rebellious' or some shit - like Green Day or Nofx or whatever - I just can't get with.

I enjoyed Operation Ivy. Is Rancid up my alley?

Not really. I find Rancid's albums to be too long. They're a lot more rock than ska as well.

Huh, didnt think they'd change so much in a few years. ty

this title would have a different connotation if it came out in 2017

I like 'em both, but if the ska aspect is what you like about Operation Ivy, just know you won't find nearly as much of it in Rancid.