Is blade runner any good? im thinking about streaming it but i never saw it

is blade runner any good? im thinking about streaming it but i never saw it

Yeah its pretty good pretty comfy

alright ill stream it then.

come watch with us on , starting in 3 minutes

Make sure you watch it on a large screen, a tiny 14 inch laptop screen doesn't do the movie justice.

great porn too

literally edgy nu-male tier flick

bump for roy batty's luscious tits

It's perfect. 10/10 best sci-fi movie.

this is the worst board by a mile, fuck all of you

>literally posting form a 14 inch thinkpad

what version you gonna stream?

literally overrated entry level level boring wannabe kinomatogaphy with shit plot

only good thing is based vangelis and deckards coat

>tfw watched a screening at the local kinotheatre

i have no idea, come and check if you want, we just started

Not really. It's cool to look at, but it leaves you wishing it had a plot, characters, etc...

Great performance by Hauer, would've been a lot better with a script.

It's pretty good.
There's one rapey scene which almost spoils it though.

its goood

Nothing but Jews and Faggots here.

Oh goy,datsuh gud strame!

One of the best films of all time imho.

Its a decent movie if you're watching it for the ideas presented and some of the visual wonder that it represents.
The ending is both poignant and interesting to think about.

10/10 movie, started the sci fi meme

dont click this!

it's really nice to look at but that's about the extent of it

it's over-rated

People won't admit it, but they like it because of what they IMAGINE the movie is about, not what it actually is.

It is overrated, yet it's also great and aged well.

Read the book after. Very different but equally good

>10/10 movie, started the sci fi meme

Millennials actually believe this

The only thing I appreciate about Blade runner is that if I were to rewatch it, I would only need to see last 20 minutes. Everything that happens before Deckard enters Sebastian's apartment is completely unavailing and can actually ruin your enjoyment of rewatching it.