What will she do now? Now when hillery lost

What will she do now? Now when hillery lost

she will pull the plug.

Chloe is death process

we have to keep fighting guys. we can't give up until we have completely open borders, the racist police force and military is disarmed, abortions are available in public schools, and the minimum wage is over $9000.

she will play her in the inevitable biopic

wtf are those """"tits""""

Return to obscurity.

built like a fucking pile of spare pig parts


>and the minimum wage is over $9000.
but you have to actually work to make minimum wage

and hamburgers have the same rights as people


Young Hilary Biopic.


>thinking a rich white girl would kill herself over this

ayy lmao

She's got the talent and the looks. She can still play attractive high school/college girls.

>built like a fucking pile of spare pig parts

She has the tits of an underdeveloped twelve year old and the shoulders of a middle linebacker. Did she get fucked up hormones juicing for Kick Ass as a kid or something? Serious question.

>that pic

Looks like she has teets...

tfw youll never be her baby pup and nurse on those milk nips

play the role she was born to play.

That's not a meal, it's an amuse-bouche. You'd end up undernourished and die.

I'm never sure which pics are real anymore


She has disgusting body but it seems it is classic effect of incorrect hormone therapy.

Is your Chloe Moretz running?

Well you better go catch her!


Stop posting photoshoped pics of her !

u avin a giggle m8


Is she running to the butter convention?