Literally anyone can get some face tats and become a rich rapper

Literally anyone can get some face tats and become a rich rapper.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's thousands of degenerates who've done exactly that and haven't become rich.

Prove it.

i cant


Pic related.

oh god

I puked in my mouth

What's he gunna do when his few minor hits fade and he's a nobody again?

I'm guessing gay porn desu

Add luck to the formula aswell

I see no reason why he can't keep doing that shit for the rest of his life. Tech Nine somehow has made a living rapping for 50 years.

Let's hope

context please

I can't wait to see this guy in 10 years with all his 69 tats. Priceless.

Tech nine is a great lyricist and rapper hand has fans that care about music. He's the opposite of this bubblegum shit.

Recent Jeff Mangum pic


Anne Frank on arnoldisdead's face from XANARCHY crew.

>Tech nine is a great lyricist

is he?
can you post some great tech nine lyrics?

Well well well.

holy shit, what has the world come to

Techs one of the best VOCALISTS... one of the best undeniably

In the bathroom to bust a shit
I couldn't do it so my bitch came to suck the dick
It was hard and soft but hard enough to penetrate the slit
'Bout twenty minutes, damn near fainted when it was time to spit

I feel you...

I said the same shit about this dude when he was barely relevant at his peak. I thought he went back to being an irrelevant oxy addicted floridian though.

he loves cocaine

Sadly very accurate...

Yeah but IIRC most of his arrests involved oxys and maybe some benzos he likely mixed.

I mean cocaine isn't a bad time (and I know he had his various situations involving cocaine use) but if you look at his pupils in almost all his pictures they're pinned out from being on opiates combined with his arrest record and I'm pretty sure opiates were his drug of choice, especially since he probably was able to take advantage of pill mill era Florida. He probably does whatever he has, but I always saw him as more of an oxycodone/dope user primarily who does whatever else on the side.

Anybody else wanna fuck this kid? I really wanna fuck this kid

Fucking him on Xanax hngggg

dipset comeback? i need more info son

Prove yourself right, dipshit. You'd have a lot more respect from others and potential than you do now.

I think it's so obvious he doesn't have to.

tfw this guy is a 22 yr old millionaire and is married and with three children


I hate tattoos but even I have to say that that Anne Frank tattoo is sweet as hell. This guy is onto something.

He is a cute twink (except for the face tattoos) but unfortunately his music is bad.

>I have to say that that Anne Frank tattoo is sweet as hell