GitS 2017 will suck and you know it


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looks pretty good



I know it'll be shit but I like going to the movies, so I'll see it.
At least I'm not going to see Marvelshit.

t. DC fan

ghost is the shell in general sucks


>ghost is the shell in general

> (You) (you)
(You) (you)
What do you mean by this? It'll be good


babby's first cyberrpunk

No. It's generic cyberpunk shit that completely misses the point of Motoko's character, and Motoko's character is what makes GiTS interesting.

You know they fucked up from the interpretation of the "rappel off a building scene." In every other incarnation of GiTS, it's a slow, tense buildup as everyone gets into position. Then there is a sudden, shocking burst of violence. The actual action is over in a few seconds. Here, they seem to have turned it into an extended Matrix-style gunfight, which is completely disconnected from mood of any other GiTS material.

No, it will the greatest movie of the decade. We'll also see mass weeaboo suicides, which is also a good thing, so two birds with one stone.

I can't imagine the kind of butthurt the dumb weeaboos have over at Sup Forums, I figure it's quite hard on these asswipes since it's trickling down to Sup Forums.

It's truly glorious, I've never weebs getting BTFO at this intensity.

this x 1000. it's gonna be suicide-inducing-kino

have you even seen the movie?

Youre assuming a whole lot from just a 2 min trailer.
If theres 1 thing you need to learn its that trailers are extremely misleading in both directions.



looks shity




>completely misses the point of Motoko's character
What exactly do you think the point of her character is?

The original was pretty underwhelming and badly paced, decent jerk off material for weebs I guess.

He thinks she's some deep symbol of transhumanism or something. She literally stares blankly and delivers a flat, freshman philosophy level monologue about humanity like three times in the movie. All the deepness is just delivered through exposition and not shown through visual symbolism.

Not "le ebul guvment/megacorp took your humanity."

Tbh, I preferred SAC's take on the Major as a character.

I have just one question: will there be Tachikomas?

In the anime Motoko and Batou literally have a conversation talking about how Section 9 owns their shells and ghosts. If they ever wanted to quit, they'd have to hand over everything except the bit of organic matter from their human bodies. Which would leave them useless. It's pretty obvious muh evil corporation/government is part of the story.

But you've never seen it, have you?

>Section 9 owns their shells and ghosts
So at least they still own their "in the"?

>In the anime Motoko and Batou literally have a conversation talking about how Section 9 owns their shells and ghosts
Thats not entirely true. They say section 9 gave them access to that equipment. Not that theyd have to give it back if they left.

What's his background?

Maybe the film could be better than you make it to be.

>What's his background?
He got caught huffing KStew's pits in the backseat of his car so he's probably pretty patrician

>director of Snow White and the Huntsman

He has to have something else. Its not like he appeared out of the air.

>tfw no kstew bf

>The director, and the writers, are all unknowns
>Also: Jewish

Hence your maximum diversity quota lesbian interracial scene right in the trailer.

It's going to be bad

Someone post thicc scarjo pls.
I want to jack off.


Its in the archive

>People say how the Anime films are vastly superior to the trailer
>Watch GITS and GITS Innocence this morning
>They are run of the mill cop films with 2 minutes of robot philosophy baked in

So it's a meme right? You don't actually think these films are masterpieces?

31:38 of the 1995 movie Mokoto says they'll have to give back their cybernetic brains and bodies if they ever left section 9.

I thought you were talking about the anime friendo. The movie is based off that not the movies.

weebs are dumb


You quoted Digibro almost word for word there.

I just think she'll prove you fags once again how wrong you are, she'll kill it, she may not have a good body anymore so what ? are you some kind of racist ? kill yourself



Easily impressed pl*bs lords

It's a near shot-for-shot remake of the first movie. Do you really think it's based on SAC? lol


she was always a shit actress, but weird fetishists liked her.

>Do you really think it's based on SAC?
It is though. Go look it up. And considering it goes against what we were talking about earlier it should be obvious.

>generic cyberpunk shit
I'm curious what exactly this is.

Aside from Johnny Memeonic and Bladerunner, there haven't been any real cyberpunk films. This is a genre that is 90% video games.

>tfw there will never be a dude sex 1 movie
don't know if i'm sad or glad

delete this

Don't you mean books. theres like 3 cyberpunk game series. Deus Ex, and Shadowrun are the only ones that come to mind. There are some harder scifi games that i guess still qualify as cyberpunk like System Shock but those games dont portray a cyberpunk society theyre just set in the future in an isolated environment where everyone is dead before the game even starts.

This is probably bait but I'll bite, I've read stupider shit that was written seriously. This stuff isn't leaking from Sup Forums they aren't even talking about it, its being posted here because its a movie and GITS has always been most recognized for the 1995 movie.

Next you'll be telling me water is wet.

being this much middle age weeb in 2016. sad as fuck

>It's a threatened normie episode

Fuck off quinn

No tits or arse but relies on cgi to make them up for her.


believe me, you've impressed no one my dear shitlord

Of course it will. I love the '95 film. So I will go see this one so I can complain about it more accurately.

I know this is just bait but if you do not like the original film you have objectively shit taste.

Oh i know why.
Hiring 2 literally who's with no experience to write a 100mln$ movie always works wonders
How i the name of all fucks did they get the job if not due to being fuck buddies with the producer.

Fuck his movie, for real.

is that subway?

The original movie really isn't anything amazing, it has some parts that were done really well and some parts that weren't.
It's a cool as fuck premise though. Motoko and 2501 could be amazing characters with interactions that have a lot of meaning. So many classic sci-fi ideas could be explored with them. I hold the franchise in high regard because of this more than anything really.
Unfortunately, it seems to me like the movie that's being made isn't interested in any of this and would rather make an action movie for a quick buck. Fuck that. It's a waste to get the rights to this and to not try and make something meaningful.

No, not even books. Books might have started it, but even then what can you name?

Neuromancer and Snow Crash. I guess Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, too. But that story and Snow Crash were both embarrassing to read. Neuromancer is the only one I've ever read that felt like it was written by an adult, and even then Gibson's follow-up pieces were shit. Somehow he went from effortlessly describing depressing situations, to a weird form of esoteric product-worship, where he had to mention as many IRL brand names in his stories as possible. I'm surprised his latest novels weren't printed by Apple.

>. Neuromancer is the only one I've ever read that felt like it was written by an adult,
Heh, actually i had more problems with it that with Snow Crash that seemed to be aimed at teens.
Neuromancer just tried too hard to be cool for me/ Like drugs are cool, hacking is cool, wearing sunglasses over sunglasses os cool.
Then again a lot of sf from that period gives off that vibe.

When was the last time a guy with a complete lack of a history with great films knocked it out of the ballpark?

It's going to be a by-the-numbers, studio committee run, market data designed revenue generator.

Not always

im not worried about the director, Snow White was very good from a technical standpoint, you could tell this guy was doing shorts for a while.
Its failure was its script.

Here he will work with no name no experience writers again, and this definitively had no skill to fix a script during production.
Yeah, im not seeing it honestly.

that shit happens all the time, where have you been?

name it

>lets just copy the anime frame by frame and the sheep will pay $15 for it!

Villeneuve? Saulnier?

>run of the mill cop films
what were you expecting? GitS is a crime drama series thats more about crony capitalism and crooked politicians. not a cyborg girl discovering her past which is what the movie will be about.

Pork in the shell.

>Being a superrobot
>Shakes hand while holding a gun

They could not even cgi that, this flick will suck

she also looks dumb as fuck

nah it looks pretty good

Most of the complaining about this movie boils down to nerds being mad that ScarJo doesn't look like their anime waifu

>have a cyber body
>decide to have short stubby legs that make you 5'1