What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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it was comfy, but was too lighthearted for me. My add needs more wizard battles

literally noone gave a shit

Really? I heard it goes full Deadly Hallows-grimdark for the second half with child-abusing witchhunters and shit

It was just really boring, the word of mouth will kill it.

awful actor

yeah, it has some abuse, but it's not so extreme, it's some sad faces and implied belt beating off screen and some emo expressions. Some small wounds on ezra millers hands, plus 2 death scenes with no blood. So I guess they made it as "dark" as they could for pg-13

>an Oscar-winning actor who succesfully plays an autistic wizard
Yeah I know he's so shit

didn't start with a Marvel Studios logo

Who were the sisters? They were pretty hot

>Oscars mean they are good actors

They hand out oscars like candy.

jimbovision said it was good and he's never let me down

Reminder that both Fight Club and The Dark Knight were PG-13.
Implied belt beatings (in the 1920s) ain't shit.

the British bitch wanted more money, instead of creating something good

no recurring characters from the HP movies

>Redditshit meets pottershit meets capeshit

Gee I dunno

Fight Club is R you idiot

Nothing it was great.


>still gets a 8.1 score on IMDB

The accents got grating after a while and the whole third act was dogshit. Other than that, it was okay.

This is what happens when people throw around memewords they don't even bother looking into.

This is what happens when people throw around memewords without bothering about what they mean.

The retarded autistic kid that sat beside me and wouldn't shut the fuck up, saying lines before they happened because this is probably the 9th time he's seen this.

probably the only reviewer I watch on youtube
first time I see him mentioned here on Sup Forums

Hate it when that happens

Yeah I should really stop bringing my kid to the movies with me.

Only thing bothering me was that end with the "This isn't a Tim Burton film, right?" Moment.
I mean cmon. Depp does fairytales, Grimm brothers stuff. Not Rowling stuff.

Ye, just look at Di Caprio's oscar cabinet.

were are the black people tho

Worst part of the movie

It was honestly darker than I thought it would be. There's plenty of comedic moments throughout, but the film seemed to have a pretty pessimistic tone overall. Straight up prisoner executions and shit.


Just tell him to shut up.

Nothing, really.
It was a benevolent movie, which is terribly rare in current cinema, with likeable characters and an entertaining story. Quite funny, too, and pleasantly differently so compared to the meme type of humour most other major productions have nowadays.

The ending was a bit of a mess, so it's surely not a 10/10, but it's better than all the Harry Potter movies and certainly on a whole different level compared to all the Marvel garbage that's been sold as Blockbuster the last couple years.

Never heard of Katherine Waterston (the Auror one) before; Alison Sudol used to be a singer, that one song of hers was on German radio for a whole year.

While I like the subterfuge, and the hinting that he was caught on purpose, I'd have preferred them just having Colin Farrell as Grindelwald
That's all I gotta say about that.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Newt mumbled a bit too much at times, but he played a convincing character.

No American Harry.

He's Canadian

You shut your whore mouth. I know where the Marlon Brando of the modern era was born. He's an actor, and a brilliant one at that. He can handle playing American and has. In fact, with the exception of the student film he did with his brother, he's never played anything but Americans.

>tips redditfedora, flicks potterwand, shakes shittycape

Weakest resolution I've seen in awhile.

>Situation is FUBAR. Beyond worst case.
>jk we have a vial barely aforementioned plot device
>everything works out

>better than all the harry potter films
i have a hard time believing its better than prisoner of kino or half blood kino

this is rowling's formula desu

literally all of her climaxes are resolved by plausible but before now completely unmentioned deus ex machinas

So were these 'beasts' any good?
Post some pics.

Niffler & Bowtruckle were the stand-outs imo

The Swooping evil was cool, Newt basically becomes a Pokemon master towards the end

The Thunderbird I didn't really care for, the Snake/Bird thing was pretty cool.

IMHO, it's a shame the beasts weren't more central to the plot. I think I would've loved a movie set a year or so before this of Newt traveling around Europe catching these beasts, writing his book etc.

>Niffler & Bowtruckle

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH those fucking names, oh god.

i was thinking about seeing it, but now, I'll probably kek myself in the cinema.

I liked it. Very safe and enjoyable little movie.

Not much, to be honest. Me and my family just enjoyed the hell out of it.

Redmayne does a great distracted genius, and the Kowolski character was awesome as Brooklyn Samwise. Miller's character is legit spooky and the real big bad is similar to the hero in a believable way that's a lot more subtle and deeper than I expected.

Wait to you hear Porpentina

Please tell me that's some sort of effeminate porpoise monster.

>but it's better than all the Harry Potter movies

It lacked the magic, music, and coherent storytelling of even the worst Potter flicks. You are delusional.

The two main female actresses were the most off-putting thing in the movie, and that's saying a lot with JDepp in there.

I still don't understand how the fuck the venom affected anyone standing out of the rain. Sitting inside, reading a book or making dinner or whatever, wouldn't you be like "huh. Lots of magic being thrown about. Yeeup."

the auror was super bland and ugly. The mind raping sister was definitely bangable.

They really should have cast someone that didn't look like an animate soggy loaf of bread for the female protagonist.

Nope one of the sisters.

She just goes by Tina though

Didn't say they werent bangable, just said they were either shit characters or played so poorly they had no reason to be liked

awwwww :(


I came into the movie expecting fantastic beasts as the focal point. The movie should have been a cross country adventure to Arizona observing the local magical creatures as Newt documents them.

At one point in the movie they played the theme song to Saw.

Apparently they're Jewish so at least one will die going into World War 2

I thought this movie was great but something like that would've been a lot better... But it might be something that gets explored more in the sequels and Scamander clearly has some shit in his past. Should be interesting to see how they tie-in.

Apparently it got in the water supply. You notice this when the family sitting inside has the mother take a drink of water and then freeze as the father takes the water from her and then drinks it himself.

Doesn't explain the people who would have been inside and away from water. Like they saw a magic force field being erected at the train station and then went home because who has time for that.

hcrip wen?

How the fuck did this alter Shaw's murder? He's a senator murdered at his rally and his dad is a newspaper magnate; It was probably worldwide news by the next day.

Sorry if I missed something


The movie is also set in the 1920s, they had telephones. Forget the newspaper, people in Georgia would have heard about this.

Was it a fun film? Like how Jurassic World, while not the a greatly written plot and had some weird moments, was fun to watch and showed some love to the franchise.

Fantastic Beasts is much, much better then Jurassic World

Well, for starters, it was a spin-off of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

It had its moments, but the plot was all over the place.

It didn't do any favors to the franchise.

Oh, totally. It's got a nice warm story with some suitably dark parts. The humor is spot-on. Having a fish-out-of-water character really works well here.

First of all, with the villain having the SAME HAIRCUT AS GRINDELWALD, as shown in the opening credits, this twist was pretty lame. Plus, Grindelwald looks like shit, and Johnny Depp's looking chubby. Why the hell didn't they just make him a blonde Colin Farrel? Grindelwald should look about halfway between pic related and the old man Voldemort kills in Nurmengard in DH Part 1.

I think they implied (with the lady drinking a glass of water) that all the water in NYC became the potion, not just the currently falling rain.

Some other thoughts:
-The goblin jazz singer: Weirdest boner ever.
- Lots of dressed house elves running around NYC, I noticed. Interesting.
-I think I have a thing for skinny, short-haired flapper girls. good times.
-Ezra Miller was downright scary. He was like a wizard Frances Dolarhyde. And he was also a very heavy-handed "closeted-homosexual" analog.
-I liked the idea that Newt was "friends" with the Lestrange girl. We know her family is going to go down a fucked-up path, but this seems to be before Slytherins were all assholes.
-I guess Legilimency works without eye contact now.
-Newt's zoo-tcase was awesome. Loved the canvas backdrops/Holodeck.
-Speaking of which, seriously dude, fix the fucking latches.
-Newt, you poor sexless man. Missed a perfect opportunity at the end. Fucking layup, and he blew it.
-I thought the CGI creatures looked good, but they were still clearly CGI creatures. Using ANY kind of physical puppets for say, the Thunderbird would have been awesome. Come on, they made the PotA apes look real, they could do it here.
- I laughed because I thought of trying to get through customs in 2016, acting as squirrely as Newt, with a case that you keep looking scared at. Pretty sure they'd catch you.
-Holy shit, that WAS Perlman!
-So... either the "obliviate" spell isn't infallible, or Queenie gave him back some memories somehow, breaking the law.
- FYI, there is NO after-credit scene.


They probably magicked people to say he had a massive stroke and died on the dais or something.
Whoops... forgot the pic.

The writing.

I didn't see it coming, but that's probably because I'd seen Farrell in get-up heaps of times. Never clicked for me..

Redmayne is bland and unremarkable, and even the performance by Katherine Waterston feels flat. On top of the forgettable acting.

The CGI is often shoddy, probably because Yates’s team has not progressed with time. The Legend of Tarzan looked pretty underwhelming too, and even though there’s a decent amount of action in this, the creature design is boring and the end of the film is another Hollywood trademark: a grey rubble climax where things just explode and stuff happens but there’s too much debris flying around for the action to be focused

Newt was basically matt smiths doctor #11 in autismo mode

That being said, Eddie as doctor #whatever better have him say "finally....GINGER!"

>random autistic squib is able to destroy new york in like 5 seconds
>took voldemort 20 years to do any sort of comparable damage to england

nice power creep you got there Rowling

He wasn't a squib. He was a repressed wizard. This whole movie was an analogy for the power that homosexuals could have when they come out of the closet.

- How deep is the water in the Central Park pond? Is it really deep enough for that bigass rhino-thing to swim under it?
- MACUSA has quite possibly the most fucked-up capital punishment method ever. They suck the happy memories out of your head and show them to everyone in the room while burning acid slowly envelops the victim. Why not just Avada Kedavra them, or the Death Veil thing that Sirius fell into. Both are instant, painless, and reliable. Hell, an axe would be a more humane method of execution. Instead, MACUSA became a Bond villain.
-What the hell is the point of the Alohamora spell? There is magic that is impervious to it, and doors stay locked. This makes Alohamora basically useless. Or, let's say it works on 99.9% of all locks, and they teach it to 11 year olds in their first year at Hogwarts. So basically there's no point in locking anything. Oh, but fortunately, if the door is locked so even Alohamora can't open it, a good physical kick to the doorknob will do it. Huh?

- If the porn parody isn't called "Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them," then fuck this unimaginative world.

Honestly they could've said it was to get information out of them aswell but nope

I know this! Reminds me of my last year of school and Abitur. Good times, but shit Song desu

pretty fucking good movie.
-well use of an already stablished universe to tell a solid and fresh new story.
-nice balance in tone, between light/fun and dark/pessimistic.
-excellent creature design.
-solid story yet with enough unexplored concepts and storylines left for the sequels to flesh out
-top tier waifu material

the ending was shit didn't establish the "bad" at all

>Let me help you control it!
>Nigger bitch shows up and kills him
>british faggot kid attacked him instead of help him

pondering if I should see this

i follow JK rowling on twitter and she's a sanctimonious finger wagging leftist cunt, is this movie filled with such messaging?

Only changing one word doesn't seem very creative. Something like "Fantastic Breasts and How to Fuck them" seems more likely.

No diversity.

I'm gonna give it a try just because of that.

I was crying laughing when Colin punched Ezra's character in the face out of nowhere. Especially since he had that retarded bowl cut.

Jesus Christ
You're a fucking pleb.
This film was literally made for your kind, interesting stuff.

That only reinforces the point Oscars mean very little. Hes a fantastic actor.

Wait what? A new Harry Potter movie? Why didn't I know this was coming out?

>saying lines before they happened because this is probably the 9th time he's seen this.
Or maybe because the script was so generic that he could predict everything each character was going to say

I mean it was a relatively inoffensive introduction to the new ark. It wasn't amazing, but also not guilty of anything atrocious. The portrayal of the roaring twenties is quite spectacular, though, I'd say.


I guess aurors went personally to erase their minds, at least half the city was done with the water

Nothing, it was a fine movie. Refreshing even

Let me guess, you are a capeshitter that loves Marlel flicks and thinks Zack Snyder is a visionary.

I thought it was pretty good honestly.
The "twist" was ridiculously obvious though. It seemed clear from the beginning that he was just a disguised grindelwald. Especially given that they literally have the same fucking hair.

Not enough niggers.

t. Liberals