Whats the infinity gems of the DCEU?


thiz diqq desu

The Mother Boxes

>They actually showed a Celestial
I love this movie.

anti-life equation.

Kinda overkill, just to kill some black guy and a woman. Maybe they were shitposters.

The anti-life equation.

the anti-life equation.

Far and away the best Marvel film. The world building and campy cosmic stuff is awesome.


The Anti-Life equation only can be harnessed by Darkseid, no? Anyone, or a lot of people can form the gauntlet and use mother boxes.

Granny Luthor's goods

>BLACKED will be exterminated by Giant Robots in your lifetime

No, anyone who can figure out the equation can use the anti-life equation.

>The most current incarnation was established in the 2005 Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle mini-series, written by Grant Morrison. In it Darkseid (or Dark Side, as he was calling himself) gained full control of the Anti-Life Equation, which is revealed to be:

>loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side

>By speaking said equation, Darkseid can insert the full formula into people's minds, giving them the mathematical certainty that life, hope and freedom are all pointless. According to Oracle, who barely escaped the "full" effects of the Equation by shutting down the entire Internet just in time, the Anti-Life Equation further states that the only point in anything is to conform to Darkseid's will.[11] Shilo Norman (the current Mister Miracle) is able to break free from this with the help of Metron, gaining immunity from the Equation in the process. He passes this immunity to his allies by drawing a specific pattern (the pattern is shown to be the New Genesis word for freedom) on their face. Barry Allen has shown to be able to free an individual from the equation using the Speed Force (his wife, with a kiss)

So it's a corny feefee equation that is supposed to be infallible but there are tons of characters that beat it in easy corny ways...

Why does the final boss of marvel look so shitty?

Final Crisis is great though. It's used to brutal effect.

Thanos is only the final boss until there's another one.

Why didn't they have Galactus as the final boss? He's an actual threat compared to oops I let go of the cube.

iirc galactus is owned by fox

They don't own the rights Fox does and they made him a dang cloud.

Darkseid is way cooler desu

fantastic four

I guess when they first thought up the three phase story arc, Galactus was still part of Fox', as he's part of the F4 character pool. Same reason why Dr.Doom isn't part of the MCU.

It destroyed the whole planet

A ripoff of Thanos is cooler

sure m8



They actually both have miniskirts

Except Darkseid was first.


>motherboxes on earth hidden by ancient peoples
>infinity cube on earth, hidden by ancient peoples
>one of the motherboxes give cyborg his powers/body
>one of the gems give vision his powers/body
>heroes have to collect boxes before darksied shows up
>heroes have to collect gems before thanos shows up

Both ripoffs of Apocalypse who cares

Assuming Marvel could get the rights for the F4 back, would there be a way for them to make Mr.Fantastic look cool instead of cheesy? All movies so far couldn't pull it off.


If they got the rights back they should never acknowledge them and just use Galactus, Doom and Surfer

F4 is dead, just let it go. F4 was the white bread middle-class family of comics. They're boring. Mr Fantastic is a superhero dad, he's supposed to be cheesy with dad jokes. It's literally like Leave it to Beaver but with super powers. It's never going to fly with today's crowd and that's okay. It's not the 60s anymore. We don't need F4. The only reason comic nerds want them is so they can hope for their evil Reed Richards storyline. That's the only way comic writers could make that shit interesting.

I think the two older movies had cool costumes. Stretching is inherently ridiculous obviously but he doesnt have to do insane retarded stretches all the time.

The FF have more interesting and well written stories than any other character in Marvel movies so far. They would be stupid to not utilize that. Those villains are inseparable from the the Fantastic Four, people who just want them dont know what they're talking about

This, desu. I hate the MCU, but GOTG was the best sort of good, stupid fun.

It almost reminded me of Buckaroo Banzai at times.

Do you actually read them or are you just going off general knowledge from the shitty movies? The ones that were actually written in the 60s were like that, but there's been engaging Star Trek like science fiction plots and I see no reason that wouldn't "fly with today's crowd". What do you even think a typical Fantastic Four story consists of?

>I've never read Fantastic Four

Thanos has actually been defeated (not killed mind) in the animated series a couple of times.

>have this cool equation that is supposed to be the mathematical prove of the futility of life
>it's just adding up and multiplying emotions
what an anticlimax

why dont they buy back or something?
reform the contract

Thanos and Darkseid looks the same, functions as the same, and they both are shit

Just one thing, who was actually just standing there filming a Celestial being laying waste to all and sunder? And how did the footage survive?

>implying that Thanos is the final boss and not Doom

Galactus is part of the Fantastic Four rights, but everyone is pretty sure Fox is giving those rights back to Marvel because they're literally incapable of making a non-shit F4 movie. I predict phases 4 5 and 6 will involve Galactus, Dr. Doom, the Skrulls, and eventually Secret Wars

It isn't footage, it's the gem showing it's history.
Not sure it it applies to all the gems but in the comics at least I think it's either space or time keeps a history of everything that happened around it and if you wield it you can see.

>Dr. Doom isn't part of the MCU
>I am once again reminded how the fucked up one of the greatest characters in all of comicdom not once but TWICE within two decades
>we will still never get to see him played by Mads in the near future

A travesty

I thought celestials were bigger than that
maybe it's just the angle

but the ordeal is begging

bad writing

This. But instead of being slowly explained they're just shoving it all into two films with a couple references in the movies before.

Marvel going up to Fox and asking to buy back the rights for a nice price would be akin to Strange going to Dormamu to bargain, without the time gem as backup. Then again, Fox crashed and burned 3 times already with trying to make an F4 movie, so maybe they can be persuaded. What would be some heroes Marvel could throw into the pot to get F4 and associated villains back?

In the case they do get them back, please, do not make another F4 origin movie.

Isn't that space mine place that they went to in GotG a dead celestial's skull? It was like a full city inside just the head.

Is the Soul Gem actually part of Heimdal's armour or is that just a meme? They don't have a lot of time to plop it out, so unless it's in Thor Ragnarok or GotG2, it's probably already been seen.

>infinite STONES

the only good marvel film since iron man 1

thank you gunn

is that benicio de toro?

I don't watch "super hero" movies because I'm not 5, so if it is him, and you were wondering, that's why I don't know.

Felicity ovaries

Then why are you in this thread? Fuck off back to your boring 5 hour films about poor Hungarians eating boiled yams or whatever the fuck you self-obsessed faggots watch.

Goddamn it, Marie. Gems are stones.

or maybe it was filmed by a watcher

those damn voyeurs

Treat him like a stretchy Walter White.

wow calm down, I really hit a note there didn't I?

like I said, I'm merely here to confirm if that's benicio del toro or not, it was pretty simple to realize that but since you watch stuff for 5 year olds I'm not surprised you didn't get it at all with your below 80 IQ.

Motherboxes are just computers.

Well apparently your IQ is below 60 because you don't know of the "google" button above images that would tell you.

Meh it's a fictional movie based on comics. They can probably mass shift or something. Don't get too caught up on minutia this isn't all that important to the main plot of the MCU.

except it literally doesn't because the only thing that comes up is "infinity stones" and "infinity gems" which means literally nothing to me and I assume is mongoloid lexicon for people like you who enjoys entertainment for preschoolers.

I just pressed it. It reveals the image to be of the "collector from guardians of the galaxy" and clicking on that name gives you pic related. That's two clicks to get to your answer.

>Doom telling five Celestials to go fuck themselves

So good. When will someone make a decent Doom movie?

The Pythagorean theorem senpai desu

He's only the final boss of the galactic universe. We still have the supernatural universe with Mephisto, Dormammu and Blackheart.

Not anymore. Now there's super-special Mother Boxes that can open wormholes to allow invaders through.

DC doesn't really have an ultimate weapon of that caliber, the closest thing is the Anti-Life Equation, which is basically a math problem so edgy it robs you of free will.

Most DC sagas revolve around either it or villains who want to destroy Earth/the Universe/the Multiverse/the timestream with anti-matter.

>loki's staff clearly powered by the tesseract since its glowing blue but then in AoU it actually has the yellow glowing mind gem in it
>this obvious ass pull now means thanos gave loki an infinity gem to risk losing on earth when he clearly didnt trust him

bravo joss!!!

No way it's Hemdal. This theory is dumb because the names refer to different things. "Tessaract" was the cube in which the gem was contained. "Aether" refers to the actual gem. Then the last three refer to the containers, not the gems. The theory is not self-consistent. A proper replacement for 'aether' would be "Lantern" or whatever that box it's in.

The Soul Gem are actually his eyes, that's how he can see every being in the universe from Asgard. He loses them in Raganarok, at least from the vision from Age of Ultron tells us.

I think the only way Marvel would get the FF back would be to cut a co-development/co-distribution deal like they did with Sony and Spoder mang.

Fox has the FF and X-Men, but Marvel doesn't really have anything that Fox wants.

If I were Feige and managed to get the FF rights back, I'd set up the FF as a team that operated in secret somewhere between Ant-Man and Iron Man and eventually just fucked off to map the multiverse when S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't leave them alone. The main conflict would be an otherworldly big bad like Annihilus making his way to our Universe and the FF coming back to stop him. Then at the end of the flick it's revealed that Doom led the baddie to Earth to get Richards to come back.

Then in the second movie you flesh out the back story by explaining the connection between Richards and Doom, and set up for Galactus in the 3rd one.

the theory holds water.


It's actually his BYC.

They also showed Howard The Duck. It will be cool in Avengers 3 to see Howard the Duck.

I wonder how big a role he will play in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

>hemdal loses his vision
>thor's vision shows hemdal has lost his vision
>avengers will lose their vision
>tony saw the death of the avengers in a vision
>wanda loves vision
>wanda causes visions

Goddamnit this Josh Wheaton guy can make some poetry

Doom is a hipster.

They've always been able to do that. They are called Boom Tubes.


Do you use PEMDAS?

Not only that but Tony's vision will probably come true in Infinity War.

Fuck the Fantastic Four. Doom standalone movie. He can reference those four scrubs he killed a few years before or something at some point for fan service. Other than that it's just Doom being Doom and doing Doom things.

>Darkseid was first
>he's still worse than the copy

But these are are like, special, and like, super-big and stuff.

The winner of the contest had to fulfill runner-up's request; Strange was honourbound to help Doom. It was less "please help me", and more "You're going to help me"

Mother Boxes have always been able to generate portals.

What the hell are you talking about?

But what's weird is that his vision didn't have vision in it.

Anyone else hype as heck that the John Wick directors are taking on Deadpool 2?

>killing the Fantastic Four
Bruh, he turned into Deadpool last time he did on Earth-11638.

>mfw DCfags know this is true but will never ever admit it, they'll just meme "D-darkseid is!"

I hope we get She-Hulk and Spider-Ham with Howard.

I hope we get Galactus. Is Fantastic Four getting sold back to Marvel?


Oneg the Prober be praised!

Morrison's Darkseid was good, though.

>anti-life equation
That sounds like the coolest and lamest thing I've ever heard...

The Worlogog is the Time gem.

The Orb of Ra is the Reality gem.

Green Lantern's "Starheart" is the Soul gem.