What's his best """"""""""interview""""""""""?

What's his best """"""""""interview""""""""""?

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The one where the interviewee is responding to a question he asked and he starts laughing uncontrollably.


purely because it triggers libfucks

he does that a lot, could you be more specific?

can't believe I used to pretend to like him because that's what was expected of us
fuck him for humanizing the anitichrist himself and dooming our country

Yeah he starts slamming his hand on the desk too.

This is his best interview

i don't know why he gets so much shit. of all the talk shows he is clearly the best. I would never consider watching a show of his live, but from the few random clips I've seen of him and the others, his show is the least shitty

>le lip sync dancing man
>best talk show host

pick one

you don't know shit, Conan is/was/andalwayswillbe the best.

The one with Nicole Kidman.


are you also the faggot in /gif/ who keeps posting rapping brian williams.
please kill yourself, shitposter


I guess i forgot about conan since he's on TBS.

compared to the other network talk shows fallon is still the best.


He's better than Noah, Colbert, Meyers, Bee, Wilmore, and the other faggots who emulate Jon Stewart. He's better than that repulsive fat englishman too. Neither of those are tremendous feats though.

Dam I came to post this

The one where he has an accident because of his alcoholism

The one where he get cucked.

has he ever had a "Joaquin Phoenix-on-Letterman" type interview yet?

When did Nicole Kidman become such a plastic monstrosity?


this one made me really think

his first one, robert deniro

a truly fantastic choice of person to interview as your very first moment of true national television, it wasnt awkward at all

The one you hoped we'd think of when you made this thread, I suspect.

I love it because, among other things, he finally got revenge on Amy Poehler for her pointlessly aggressive reaction when he playfully expressed distaste at her gross-out comments backstage on SNL, an incident recounted (admiringly!) in Tina Fey's autobiography. Don't give a fuck how he feels, Amy? You should care. You care now. You holes.