The Grand Tour is awful

I cancelled my Amazon Prime subscription.

I got $80 back in pro-rated refund.

was just about to make a thread for this. Did we like it?

shut up, Chris Evans

marathoned the first half earlier today, it was what you would expect from three fat autists

This thread is what I expect from three fat autists

>marathoned the first half

>30 minutes of sitting down is a 'marathon'

marathoning is the new meme my friend

the studio bits were cringeworthy and everything else felt like a rehashed top gear with no changes whatsoever

I liked it. It was better than top gear because it spent more time on the cars than time-wasting segments.


It was great. Things I'm not sure on are the new track/driver and the celebrity bit

They lost it. They'll never be as good as their top gear days.

This but they aren't going to do celebrities anymore. Nobody gives a shit. From the promo is seems to be more about the tour episodes which were highlight of old Top Gear.


t. Chris Evans

It's exactly the same as Top Gear though.

Hello newfriend

hell reddit

I watched it because you faggots hyped it and it was terrible. Fuck you for manipulating me into wasting my time.

It wasn't bad. It wasn't good either.

Cheesy jokes and it didn't have that Top Gear feel to it. Sad, really. Fingers crossed the rest are better.


It was so-so like any non-challenge or special episode. Next week is apparently a challenge episode though, so that's where I'll either love it or hate it.

I use prime for the free next day delivery not the TV shit, so I've lost nothing.

It might be good though hopefully it's not another murrica tent episode. There's two more based from their schedules.

The best part about the studio segments was the relaxed general ignoring of the audience and the news, both of which the first episode lacked.

If all tent segments are like this then I'll just start only watching the specials.

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure the news is dead because of BBC lawyers. At least that's what Andy Wilman said an interview I watched.

They said they'd made a sting for all their conversation lanes or whatever news is called now so they'll probably be doing a news segment regularly. However I have no clue what the brain crash was meant to be

They said that but literally nothing was talked about outside of May's speeding ticket because of "time" yet they wasted a bunch of time on their oh so funny "British vs America" comedy routine and "killing" celebrities.

I'd have much rather heard Clarkson bitch about asinine but genuine things.

"Conversation Street" was cut short in the first episode because they had to present their new track.

Also they said they're not really doing the news anymore and more of a general discussion because the tapings at the studio-tent sometimes happen months in advance so you can't discuss recent news (the Johannesburg episode from next week was shot back in July)

News was very rarely about current events and mostly just "General moaning time" and "This car looks pretty good/awful" back and fourths.

its shit

>Ah sick! Top Gear is coming back!
>WTF this is just top gear
fucking die

If you don't like them now, especially in 4K with HDR and more car and scenery porn than ever, then you never liked them to begin with. Faggots.

well it was about current motoring related news, like looking at new cars for example

Why are all the GT threads 90% autists whining about shit that isn't even a part of the show?
No, you morons, it won't be another episode in america and it won't be "murrica" all the time. They explain it in the very fucking beginning.
Every episode is a new location.

this tbqh

Can we all agree that those guys got too old for this?
don't get me wrong but they lost their edge quite a while ago

>muh teknology
how come no one aborted you for being such a tasteless pleb?

They should just ditch the studio segments all together, focus on the challenges. If they want bantz filler, have the boys sitting around a different pub or diner arguing about cars.

It was like a typical mediocre Top Gear episode. So without any challenges or journey through different countries. These are the best.

Celebrity Brain Crash was meant to be filler and nothing more. It was a tongue in cheek joke about how they can't use their old standard segments to fill time anymore.

Hopefully in future episodes they're less on the nose about it and expand the more interesting exterior segments.

North Pole Special best special

I really loved the cinematography, BBC banter and picture related.
Pretty good overall but I wouldn't subscribe to amazon just for that. Hopefully we'll see more crazy shit in later episodes like they said at the beginning of the episode. The preview montage makes me pretty hyped.

I don't know what you fairies are on about, it was great, even though we're only one in.

this. it was mediocre. not the worst ep of topgear but not the best either

Just throw them back into some third-world shithole country with a couple of beaters and let the magic happen.

Next episode is johannesburg. The very definition of third world shithole.

So far some confirmed scenes are:

>Another Interceptors
>Car versus Military
>Jetski versus Boat
>Lamborghini episode
>Desert adventure on buggies
>Home-made offroad cars/all terrain vehicles
>Transporting a car body
>Alfa desert adventure
>One scene that looks like a buy cheap car and do shit

Haven't seen something that resembles the specials though.

>expecting them to change a winning formula


is it literally just Top Gear without BBC bullshit?

Next three are confirmed, famalam:

>Episode 2: Operation Desert Stumble
>Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
>Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May bring the travelling Grand Tour tent to The Cradle of Humankind near Johannesburg in South Africa. In this show, the three hosts are forced to become special forces soldiers with an all action challenge at a top secret training base, deep within Jordan. Also in this episode, Jeremy introduces the 800 horsepower Aston Martin Vulcan to the Grand Tour test track, and James is sent to investigate an unusual form of motorsport called spinning.

>Episode 3: Opera, Arts and Donuts

>Location: Whitby, England, United Kingdom
>Friday 2nd December 2016 The Grand Tour travelling tent pitches up on the quayside in the English coastal town of Whitby from where Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May introduce a modern take on the traditional gentleman’s tour of Italy. With Jeremy in an Aston Martin DB11 and James in a Rolls-Royce Dawn, the pair are set for a leisurely trip of culture and fine dining until a noisy and unwelcome guest arrives.

>Episode 4: Enviro-mental
>Location: Whitby, England, United Kingdom….again
>The Grand Tour studio tent is back in Whitby, England for various complicated reasons, some of which are James’s fault. In this show, Jeremy Clarkson tests the Porsche 911 GT3 RS, desperately trying to remain impartial despite knowing that Richard Hammond owns one, and then compares it to the track-focused BMW M4 GTS. Also in this episode, the hosts become unusually ecological as they attempt to create cars made of truly sustainable materials before taking part in what’s billed as a green motorsport event.

Yes, but now with amazon bullshit. Which is essentially american bullshit.
Much less though so it still comes out ahead.

Its good.

>and James is sent to investigate an unusual form of motorsport called spinning.

oh boy here we go

the editing isn't as good and the soundtrack seems lacking too. they don't have access to the bbc massive music archives any more.

Typical contrarian Sup Forums as usual. It's Top Gear with a new name. You watch it for the stupid antics of the presenters. If you watched Top Gear for anything else you're lying to yourself.