Is Funhaus Sup Forums approved

is Funhaus Sup Forums approved

I enjoy them, but since they and most of RT are left. I'm going to say no.

omg I laik totally LUVF yootoob throd!



>its a James talks about steroids episode

how can he be so perfect brehs

I like em

god I miss joel

No. They fell apart after Joel left. There's no moderator in their videos anymore and it's literally just humour for 11 year olds. Joel added some form of sophistication and told them to stop acting like manchildren when they were.

Prolly my favourite youtube group along with Mega64.

Also, Adam I know you lurk here so I just gotta tell you I luv u bby

They were good back when they were with machinima.

I liked seeing them do the daily news and lurence behind the computer.


some times life is just not fair

>Laurence has a gf

I like them all except for Adam

Funhaus is pretty great, yo

>Opening his mouth in an effeminate way

What a fucking bitch. Look at Lawrence, he does a real mans smirk not some faggy shit

>its a Funhaus thinks they are movie experts episode

>all white

Total pleb

do you guys think james and elyse are having some trouble in their marriage????

I've watched a bit but I don't think they're all that funny.

They used to be awhile ago. Then they went to rooster cucks.

He really is the worst

>tfw Rooster teeth is so liberal & full of white guilt

its cringe to watch them complain about big poppa Trump.

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They why is sourcefed so shit?

I agree with most things in that pic, but tell me what do you find funny?

I wish I was james tbqh