

stop doing this please. This is worse then the people who post the "nu-male" chart in every thread that has "soy-core" in it. Using le funny trigger terms doesnt do anything productive and it makes you sound like a bumbling sheep.

>inb4 t. soyboy XD

wow your thread is really helping

lol word

I agree but meta stuff doesn't belong on this board.

it basically makes it feel like every third post on Sup Forums is some young guy obsessed with masculinity more than he likes music

great thread about music

t. soyboy

can't handle the bants eh

t. soyboy

Soyboy meme is really not that funny, it's like a cheaper version of cuck

the whole point of the soyboy shit is to troll and annoy people, and youre exposing yourself as having been trolled and annoyed while not improving the situation at all

t. soyboys

how do you suggest we improve this situation then

by straight up ignoring it you absolute retard

That's pretty gay desu


That's fucking retarded
Why rehash the same autistic memeshit?

Rehash on which metalevel

Memes per se or (trigger warning) the soyboy meme?

you're soyed up as fuck

op confirmed to be

the shitposters don't concern me as much as the people who are unironically autistically obsessed with test levels
that shit gay

haha soyboy detected