Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you fucking kidding me?
How does life goes on after this?
hold me Sup Forums ;_;

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Don't be sad that it's over
Smile that it happened :)

Don finding inner peace and creating the most iconic television ad of all time is fine on paper but it sure felt anticlimactic. The last season seemed to spin its wheels until they tried to shove too much into the last two episodes.

Also Peggy and Stan: ugh.

Final season felt like "oh shit we've gonna conclude plots for all these characters"

peggy and stan worked better as friends, not lovers. i agree. also the ending for don is good but i didn't understand it because i'm only 21 so i didn't know the coke ad until i looked it up

while i agree was the show ever climatic? naw
the shows 87% convention

im just glad don didnt kill himself
they made it seem like that too

too bad betty was going to die off screen just when she was maturing and discovering herself
now that made me feel sort of sad but it was definitely fanservice since everyone disliked her so much

i think it would have fit much beeter if Peggy had gone with Joan and started their own production company. that would have been nice

Creating the most iconic television ad of all time is highly climactic. The problem is that it was 1/10 as fulfilling as "The Wheel" presentation.

Goddamnit, now this show is just pissing me off.

I don't know about youse but I feel better when a series ends abruptly without closure than a proper, planned written and filmed finale.

this. the show blew its load so many times there was no way the finale was going to top it. in fact, every season finale of mad men up to that point was fantastic, so 7's was the logical conclusion rather than the peak.

This. The back half of season 7 was denouement for Weiner's wild ride.

>Are you fucking kidding me?
>How does life goes on after this?
>hold me Sup Forums ;_;
His legacy was the Coka Cola song.

why isnt hamm doctor strange

You could watch fresh off the boat

Peggy was sexually revolting in the show. I wouldnt even say thank you if she held the door for me.

I donno what everyone is talking about, I loved the finale

And as for Peggy and Stan, popping that boner when they were both naked in that early ep was amazing foreshadowing


Doesn't take a lot for a guy in his 20s to get an erection.

He really aged quite badly by the end of the show. His face was so droopy and pudgy at once

it was a period of 9 years, from 34 to 43
anyone would look terrible going through that period

Also he was drinking and smoking constantly

You're not a man if you've ever commented on "how someone aged." Let me direct you back to the board for vapid, beta, low IQ celebrity gossipers.

can confirm, I drink and smoke constantly and I look a lot worse

Sally was the best character tbqh.

>"You're a very beautiful girl. It's up to you to be more than that."

Sally was authentically a good person, a good daughter, a good sister, even a good friend.

god damn you, I didn't come here to feel

Sally did I ever tell you about the time your father abandoned his brother and fired his co worker, causing both to kill themselves? he was a good friend

This, I loved how you could see so much of both Don and Betty in her.

>when grandpa gene moved in and she finally had a stable father figure, only for her to completely break down when he died

go take a large penis into your body, seems to work for all the other madmen fans

that pete campbell redemption arc ending though

It's still got a question mark, I mean does Pete really want to live in bumfuck nowhere?

best one

damn that hit me pretty hard when I first saw it

I think he sacrificed enough. His hairline, respect and elctroshockfu. living in a flyover state is nothing.

I haven't bothered to watch the second half of the last season.

I just don't care

that was truly great. pete ended up being such a great character and trudy was the best wife in the whole series.
>Someday people are gonna brag that they worked with you
>What am i supposed to say to that?
>I don't know. Noone's ever said to me

don and peggy were pure fucking gold televison

Yes, because he really wants to be with Trudy again.

based duck phillips

Believe it or not, I love madmen and I'm straight. Although the idea of sucking a dick does appeal to me a lot.

>Don defending Peggy's honor
>Don getting his ass kicked
>Duck Phillips making a fool of himself
god what a great scene that was

>Pete gets a happy ending

Pete's the best character on the show

Pete is a little prick who should have been fired for mouthing off a long time ago

deserved it breh

Pete was the only sane ad man at that agency towards the end.

you can suck mine while we watch madmen if you like. i'm straight too btw

1. Cooper


2. Pete
3. Roger
4. Joan
5. Peggy
6. Sally
7. Trudy

The last four are kino.


Bitter the post.


>yfw grandpa gene was more /fit/ than most of Sup Forums

>Jon Hamm is actually an alcoholic
It wasn't acting :(

>tfw Don wasn't DB Cooper


She didn't completely break down. She remembered the lessons he taught her. And those that came from Don and Betty.

In my head-canon Sally grew up to be a very strong person.

Such a great show.
When I complete good show I can't force myself to watch something else (or even play vidya for a few days) for some time. But after mad men I couldn't watch anything for over a half of year. I finished it in May and only few days ago I was finally able to force myself to watch Mr. Robot season 2.
But damn it's good. My favorite show, left so much good memories in my head.

Don>Peggy>Pete>Pryce>Roger>Punished Ken>Everyone else

Pete > Roger > Don > Sally > Ken > Crane > Bert > Everyone Else > Peggy