Han listen to me! The force and the Jedi are real! My friend and ally was Yoda, the leader of Jedi!

Han listen to me! The force and the Jedi are real! My friend and ally was Yoda, the leader of Jedi!

Other urls found in this thread:


He had his mind wiped along with the droids.

WhatÄ…s that Chewie? You want a cracker?

shut up Chewie

If you think that's far fetched, remember that there's evidence of God every day, but athiests still think He is a superstition.

Prove it faggot

Like what?

Trump won


That's proof of the existence of Satan, if anything.

Anyway, you said every day, so give me something from today that proves it.

>and he told us his name was god
>and he has a penis
>and hes got all these rules and customs!
>and we spoke to him but only the crazy people!
>and he didnt speak to everyone to make it obvious he just chose people randomly thus making it reliant on a lack of evidence but heresay

based god

also its based how he only decided to make himself obvious in the past 2,000 years and everyone before then was just decieved or wrong and now we are truly the most enlightened people


If Satan exists then God must exist too.
Checkmate atheists

Why did Obi Wan end up taking Luke to Tatooine while Leia got to be raised as a princess?

Doesn't seem very fair to me

Well everyone on the planet she was raised on died so I guess the joke was on her

No. Bad dog! Bad dog! Sit.

>implying Han believes Chewie's nonsense


yeah me too Chewie, me too but we ain't got time to play Dejarik right now sorry buddy

Becau Obi was being noble and realized Anakin hated sand so he brought Luke to the one place Vader would not set foot on.

Jesus how do you dress yourself in the morning

>that C3PO hovering hand

my god why was he such a fag

>Shyriiwook had over 150 words for 'wood', depending on content, grain, moisture and underlying structure. It also had fifteen separate words meaning 'violence'.[1]


How many words did they have for 'chair'?

>Those phrases
I can just imagine some autist studying this language and using it exclusively at cons

Arrrrrwrrrrrronnkkk raarrh

humans are made in image of god
yet some of them, who claimed to be the chosen ones, cuts their own dicks
because reasons

Huaah maw wuwu agah?

Mu na ya.

>Huaah maw wuwu agah
the french?


tfw she gives you the yukshin



Doctors speculate that George Lucas has an autism. He had problems with learning, he has problem with pronounciations. As we see he also had a problems with memorizing own shit written by himself