Worth watching?

Worth watching?
I'm looking for a good sci fi show from the 90s.

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greatest sci-fi series ever made

god-tier characters and arcs, Jim Henson Company doing the creature effects, and excellent balance of action, adventure, humor, drama, romance and even a bit of horror.

I will warn you that season 1 can be tough to slog through the first time, but it'll be worth it.

>its a claudia black's sweaty navel episode

Best sci-fi show of the last two decades.

Its great.

A real evolution from Star Trek in terms of production values (astonishing to think it was running at the same time as VOY, the look like they were made 20 years apart), and well written and fun.

>it's a Claudia Black prances about the ship wearing men's underwear episode

one of the stronger episodes I thought

fuck yes

It's one of the best sci fi shows. It's also not afraid to get really weird or be fun

I feel like this show is a little TOO comfy. Watch one episode a day OP. Anything more might feel a little odd.

It's almost like a return to the roots of Star Trek, a rejection of the sterility of the TNG-era and goes back to when sci-fi shows were colorful and strange. It has a very classic, pulpy feel to it.

I watched the first few seasons but was totally lost when I tried to tune back in a few seasons later.

Suddenly Crichton was a Peacekeeper and a bad guy I guess instead of trying to get home and the crew wasn't the same and whatever.

Really been meaning to get back into it but I don't really know where I left off anymore.

Some episodes are comfy, other episodes not so much

Farscape is a show that you can't just skip around, or you'll have no fucking clue what is going on and what the characters are talking about. Also season 4 is a soft reboot of sorts

Just go back to the beginning

I'm a little jealous of you. You get to experience one of the greatest tv shows ever created for the first time.

I think I only really watched the first two and when I started watching again, Zaan was gone and Crichton was a villain. All the changes turned me off because he was the fish out of water we were supposed to relate to, etc.

So if by reboot you mean they changed his character and he was no longer from earth then it's probably better I just leave it.

Crichton was always a bad guy

Reminder: in the first episode Crichton accidentally kills a government employee, and helps some prisoners escape. He's been a bad guy from the start.

For real though, you should go back and watch it all in order so that those changes make sense.

>I'm looking for a good sci fi show from the 90s.
If you had said campy sci fi show, then definitely. It is also good, though.

It's the year 2525

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

>I think I only really watched the first two and when I started watching again, Zaan was gone and Crichton was a villain. All the changes turned me off because he was the fish out of water we were supposed to relate to, etc.
He doesn't become a villain, but his personality does change after all the shit he goes through. It makes sense when you watch it in order

>So if by reboot you mean they changed his character and he was no longer from earth then it's probably better I just leave it.
They don't change the canon in any way, they add new characters and re-introduce old ones for new viewers. Also the network forced several new writers onto the producers so the tone is a bit different, still a great season though aside from a few duds.






pretty sure she was someone who preferred show over tell

I really loved Cleo's expressions and her wide eyes

she had adorable dimples, and both her and Sarge are hot as fuck

Hel is just okay

>ywn lick the sweat from her abs

W-what were they going to do?

anal probe

>you will never be abducted by cute alien girls and used as a sex toy
Why live?

it has it's moments and this babe is hot

you might also like LEXX


>tfw remember thinking she was hot when I saw her in Hercules
>then see her as tsundere space commando
many faps have been had

I think you mean


she would be a great dominatrix

When I was a kid, I was flipping through the channels and saw this very scene. My first exposure to Farscape, and probably part of the reason my libido is twisted.

prefer her short hair look in peacekeeper wars.

I like the hair but don't like how they changed her face/body make-up. She looked better with that mix of pale skin and red scales

same here

then again it's not a show with diminishing returns, still great no matter how many times you rewatch it

This is also true.

Although, I guess a first time watcher might actually like it less since it seems to take about 15 episodes before people really get into it. Hell, I know it took me a while to really start getting into it myself, but upon rewatching it, I can't figure out why.


>greatest sci-fi series ever made

thats a huge stretch, its nowhere near close to TNG & DS9, let alone babylon 5

the sharp decline in quality in season 4 really seals its fate and i fucking despised jool in season 3

I've never seen DS9 or Babylon 5. What did I miss?

Two of the best sci-fis around, but with one of the most autistic rivalries in their fandoms.

well babylon 5 is imo (and a pretty common opinono) the great sci fi show ever made, deep space nine is essentially the same show since babylon 5 was origionally pitched to paramount (star trek studio) and they rejected it yet a few years later made ds9 which has essentially the exact same structure as babylon 5

regardless, they are both fantastic, deep space nine is the best trek show imo because the characters are really fantastic and it has a really great general arc to it that is focus of 5 seasons

I'll start with Deep Space 9 then. Over Christmas.

It's just a rip off of Lexx.

Regardless of which of the two you watch, just keep in mind that they both have rather weak, but important first seasons.

I don't skip seasons or even single episodes, user. My OCD/autism/whatever is far too powerful for that.

i envy you, ive rewatched the show several times and it still holds up everytime

i would make a suggestion though, you should skip move along home in season 1, its completely and utter awful and doesnt have anything significant plot or character wise to it

Good man. Just giving you fair warning that they have weak starts.

>skipping move along home
I bet you start on the first shap, don't you?

i just cant deal with that episode, its SO BAD

i think the only other ones i skip are profit and lace, the muse and times orphan

fucking hell i can only imagine the amount of cringe the actors felt that day on set

What, you DON'T like psychedelic latex fetish fuel? Then why are you even here?

It's a great show, watch Babylon 5 next.

Babylon 5 my dude , don't listen to the pleb.

Not the best, but it is soldily in the top 5

The others being?

I have never been more jealous of an actor than the time on Stargate SG-1 when she tried to strangle Daniel Jackson with her spandex covered thighs.

Gay niggers from outer space

Is Babylon 5 available to stream on amazon or hulu? What's up with the rights to that fucking show, i never see it anywhere.

wrong, I love those shows but Farscape is far better. Quite simply it just has better characters. The TNG cast is kinda bland and DS9 and B5 each have their share of lame characters like Jake Sisko or Delenn. Also B5 in particular is a very stuffy show with too many monologues and scenery chewing. You complain about Jool, but even she had more depth to her than most of the cast of the shows you mentioned.

Farscape has incredible character development and makes blending genres look easy. Nothing else even comes close, and there is no "sharp decline" in season 4 ya dip. There are a few dumb episodes early on but otherwise it's fantastic

>worth a watch

really wish I could experience it all for the first time again

>tfw I marathoned the first 2 seasons in 3 days

>not watching every episode at the exact same time

I liked Farscape because it portrayed the universe as very tribal and space travel is a relative luxury. Really interesting and I think accurate take on the future

>Star Trek TNG
>Babylon 5
>Total Recal '99 (only one season but it was fantastic
>Stargate SG1

>anyone with more depth than Londo and G'Kar


I said "most of the cast." Those are just two characters. In contrast, every single character in Farscape were multi-faceted and extremely well thought-out, not to mention well-acted. A lot of it comes from how the actors would have a say in their dialogue and arcs, and actively worked with the writers. It was very collaborative.

Babylon 5 is the brainchild of one man who controlled everything with an iron fist, and as such a lot of the character arcs and dialogue come off as stiff and forced. Doesn't help that most of the cast weren't exactly great actors, notable exceptions obviously being Jurasik and Katsulas

I never said I didn't like fetish fuel. Regardless, latex is for plebs. Spandex is the thinking man's material

Yeah but considering how heavy the show gets with each season, it's nice to go back to the earlier campisodes

>Spandex is the thinking man's material
dubs confirm

>best girl doesn't gets mentioned
Why never any Starhunter love in these threads?

One again, piracy saves the day.

wait, my girl was in Farscape?

I liked it but I dropped it at season 2 for some reason.

That was from a show called Starhunter, and no, that isn't her.

Never heard of the show before, but I'll be checking it out.

what episode?

Pretty sure it's the episode where Vala was introduced.

>greatest sci-fi series ever made

that's not doctor who or stargate atlantis.

Kryten >>>>>>crichton


Same here, I also like how we see a fragmented view of the galactic landscape instead of a bunch of fucking exposition explaining how everything is. Makes it seem more mysterious and full of possibilities.

Some might dislike the lack of "world building" but I think it benefits the show

>Some might dislike the lack of "world building" but I think it benefits the show
Very much so. We're supposed to relate the most with John, and the more mysterious and unknown the universe is, the more believable it all becomes.

thanks, will download and fap


stargate:farscape - 1:0

Farscape is better than any star trek show let's be honest here.

>tfw this scene

>Farscape is better than any show let's be honest here.

Farscape is good. Pic related is better.

That scene where the one chick is punching fireballs at spaceships to use the ships weapons is more than enough to prove you wrong.

>share of lame characters like Jake Sisko

Implying "The Visitor" wasn't the only trek episode to make you cry.

Farscape > Firefly, or the other way around?
Also is this the show with the black-haired woman with huge tits? Or was that in some movie?


That was a spinoff series or movie and NO ONE counts that spin off as canonical. Not even diehards.

Oh, don't misunderstand me, I love Babylon 5. I'm just not a fool, and recognize Farscape as the better show.

there was better cgi before computers were invented. unwatchably bad

I remember watching this on TV, those weird baldheaded aliens were fucking autism. Were they basically space Jews?